In these release notes, you can find new features and enhancements and fixed and known issues for the CPQ 202408.3.0 release. For documentation updates, see What's New in CPQ Documentation.

This documentation may describe optional features for which you have not purchased a license; therefore your solution or implementation may differ from what is described here. Contact your customer success manager (CSM) or account executive (AE) to discuss your specific features and licensing.

To access the learning path, including overviews and demonstrations of this release’s updated features and enhancements, visit the Conga Learning Center.

System Requirements and Supported Platforms

For requirements and recommendations to consider before installing the Conga product suite, see the System Requirements and Supported Platforms Matrix.

New Features and Enhancements

The following features are new to Conga CPQ in this release.

Dynamic Product Cloning Based on Predefined Criteria

Products are now dynamically cloned based on predefined criteria when you validate or update prices. Cloned products, including options or sub-bundles, are automatically added to the bundle when you select specific action options.
For more information, see Config Features.

Rules and Custom Fields for Cloned Products

You can now apply rules, attribute matrices, and custom fields to dynamically clone products within a bundle.

For more information, see Cloning a Product.

Support for Total Level Waterfall via Waterfall APIs

The API now supports Total Level Waterfall for all total level lines, enabling the review of price impact at each price point for the total line.

  • Getting waterfall chart by Cart Id and Summary group Id:
    GET api/cart/v1/carts/CartId/SummaryGroups/SummaryGroupId/Waterfallchart
  • Getting waterfall chart by Cart Id and Summary group Id and chart Id:
    GET /api/cart/v1/carts/CartId/SummaryGroups/SummaryGroupId/Waterfallchart/ChartId

For more information, see Get summary group associated price waterfall detail API and Get summary group associated price waterfall detail by chart ID API.

Support for Order and Asset Line Item status using Activate Order API

When ‘Auto Activate Order’=False on Quote and ‘Create Asset on order activation’ =False on Order System Properties, then Order and Order Line Item are created with ‘Pending’ state, and Asset Line Item is created with ‘Pending Activation’ state.

On activation of the order, all Order Line Items and Asset Line Items are in an Activated state.

Support for Identifying Assets that Belong to an Existing Renewal Quote

If an asset belongs to an existing Renewal Quote, then during Order activation or during On Demand Renewal that asset is not picked in the new renewal quote.

Enhancement to the Favorite Filter Fields

Conga Platform now displays only picklist and multipicklist fields under Refine Your Search while adding the products on the catalog page. Conga Platform does not honor the non-picklist Favorite Filter fields you selected in the Favorite settings.

For more information, see Favorite Settings.

Support for Concurrent Access to Cart via API

When a cart is created and used by one user, it is locked for others. Using the feature setting, EnableCartLockingForConcurrentAccess, you can enable or disable access to concurrent users via API. Using EditAccessIdealTimeOutInMinute in config system property you can set the timeout value for edit access. The default time is 30 minutes.

GET api/revenue-admin/v1/flows/System/settings/ConfigSystemProperties

For more information, see Retrieve custom settings associated with a flow API.

Cart Locking from Concurrent Access

You can enable cart locking to prevent others from editing the quote you are currently working on and help prevent data loss while a sales representative is working on a configuration. When you enable cart lock, others can only see the cart in read-only mode. The cart is unlocked only to perform save, finalize, abandon, or close the cart actions. Once you perform any of these actions, then CPQ refreshes the permissions and allows read-only users to edit the cart as required.

Support for Asset Renew Operation on Conga Platform using Activate Orders API with Asset Pricing Criteria

Assets renew operation, using Activate Orders API, is supported on Conga Platform with asset pricing criteria for all types of assets that are created on the platform.

For more information, see Activate Orders API.

Recommended Products Icon in the Control Bar of the Quote Detail Page

The control bar on the quote details page now has the Recommended Products icon. This feature provides a list of recommended products by validating your quote.

For more information, see About Proposal Details Page.

Documents Icon in the Control Bar of the Quote Detail Page

The control bar on the quote details page is added with the Documents icon. This icon provides a list of documents associated with or generated during the quote lifecycle.

For more information, see About Proposal Details Page.

Revalidation to Bundle Structure Changes

Revalidation now applies bundle structure changes to ensure compliance. Default options are auto-added to cart items, while manual products remain unchanged.

Ability to Configure Quote Details Page using CX Studio

You can configure and customize the quote details and edit pages using CX Studio. This enhances the management of quote information during its lifecycle. You can create these pages for different quote types and adjust layouts based on record types and user profiles or roles. You can add or remove multiple sections such as Line Items, Documents, Assets, Orders, Contracts, and Approval Requests on the quote details page. In addition, you can also include custom-related information sections that are related to custom objects specific to business needs.

UI Enhancements to PLI Detail Fields and Filters

Cloning the Product

When you clone a product with prices, the system copies complete price list item configurations. This enables you to create the products quickly and reuse the prices as required. Earlier, the product clone feature was copying only basic price list item fields and did not consider the related items.

For more information, see Cloning a Product.

Support for Attributes in Formula Builder

On the following pages, in the expression builder, you can now see the Attributes under the Value tab. To create an expression with Attribute click the Value tab and insert the Attribute record (value) directly in the formula builder.

  • Creating criteria in Product Attribute Rule
  • Default, Minimum, and Maximum Quantity in Options
  • Adding expression in Attribute
  • Creating Field Expressions
  • Creating Rollups

Unrestricted Price Point Modifications

The IsModifiable flag is now set to true by default, allowing you to modify all price points unless Allow Manual Adjustment is set to false. This enhancement ensures consistent behavior across all price points.

For more information, see Defining Price Points.

Support for Identifying Line Items Not Eligible for Renewal

When a primary cart line item has Renewal Type= “Evergreen” or “Do Not Renew” then that line item is not eligible for Renewals. Such line items are not added to the Renewal Quote. This is valid for product standalone, Bundle-option, sub-bundle, ramp, and usage.

For more information, see Renewing an Asset.

Support for Grouping Asset Line Items in Renewal Quote

Asset line items are grouped into different renewal quotes based on the selections in Renewal Group Fields.

For more information, see Asset Settings.

Automatic Creation of Contract Price List with Proposal Intent as 'Price Agreement'

If any proposal header specifically contains the Intent field with 'Price Agreement' value, then the system auto-creates the Contract Price List on the Acceptance of that Proposal. The newly created Contract Price List is saved in the Price Lists with type 'Contract'. The name of the price list starts with PL followed by the Proposal Number. The Price List Item objects of all the Cart Line Items start showing values in the 'Contract Price', which is the same as the 'Net Unit Price' field from Cart Line Items. When the Sales representative creates a new Proposal with the newly created Contract Price List, then in the Catalog screen the Products are displayed with their actual List Prices, however, when the Sales representative adds any product to the Cart, the List Price is displayed as the Contract Prices and all the pricing calculations happen according to the Cart's List price.

Configure Visibility Rule

You can configure and execute Visibility Rules based on business objects, Product and Category.

For more information, see Managing Visibility Rules.

Support for Custom Default Date During Terminate and Swap

You can add custom code to default the termination and swap operation date which is other than the system date. To do this use the getAssetTerminationdate() method. And you can also verify the validation messages as per the logic added on the callback. This validation triggers when you click on Confirm button.

Support to Call Billing Matrix API on the Intermediate Page of Asset Termination and Swap

As an administrator, you can set up display column settings for the Termination and Swap operation intermediate page. In addition to the default fields, you can add other fields and choose to keep them editable or non-editable. Based on this selection, the fields are displayed on the intermediate page during the Terminate and Swap operation.

The Terminate Date with the current system date is displayed on the intermediate page and can be edited based on your requirements. The “Calculate” button calls 'billingmatrix' API to display all the billing details based on the termination date. New columns, Projected and Difference show the appropriate values. The Confirm button is enabled to confirm the operation. Similarly, you can see the Calculate button, projected and difference values, and the confirm button during Swap operation.

Delete Visibility Rules

You can now delete existing visibility rules that are no longer required.

For more information, see Deleting a Visibility Rule.

Update Visibility Rules

You can now update existing visibility rules, including fields like product, category, and user roles.

For more information, see Editing a Visibility Rule.

Create Visibility Rules

You can create visibility rules to control product visibility in the catalog. The feature includes filters like product, category, and user roles.

For more information, see Creating a Visibility Rule.

View Visibility Rules Details

You can view existing visibility rules details by clicking the visibility rule link to open the visibility rule details page.

For more information, see Managing Visibility Rules.

Total Level Waterfall on Cart UI

The total-level waterfall is now available in the cart UI, with the option to disable it if needed. You can view the waterfall for total/summary lines showing how each contributing line adds up to the total. The system sums the individual price points from the contributing lines to accurately reflect the total price.

For more information, see Pricing Features.

Rules Explorer for Viewing Applied Constraint Rules

You can now use the "Rules Explorer" button in the product configuration page to view applied constraint rules. This shows details like rule actions, affected products, and triggering line numbers, helping with rule debugging.

View Applied Constraint Rules with Rules Explorer

You can now view all constraint rules applied to a product using the "Rules Explorer" button on the configuration page. This provides details like Cart ID and Constraint Rule ID for easier debugging.

Attribute Rules and Expressions for Cloned Products

You can now apply attribute rules and expressions to each unique instance of dynamically cloned products.

For more information, see Cloning a Product.

Integration of Pricing Custom Settings through API

Calc Net Adj Percent Before Rounding and Currency Field Precision are now part of the pricing-related custom settings available through the config system properties API.

  • Calc Net Adj Percent Before Rounding ensures the net adjustment percentage is calculated before rounding the net price.
  • Currency Field Precision sets the number of decimal places for currency values, with a default of 2.

GET api/revenue-admin/v1/flows/System/settings/ConfigSystemProperties

For more information, see Retrieve custom settings associated with a flow API.

Fixed Issues

There are no fixed issues in this release.

Known Issues

The following unresolved issues are known to Conga at the time of this release.

Conga Internal IDDescription

There is an issue where cart line items disappear, and an error occurs due to duplicate PrimaryTxnLineNumber values.
Error: "TypeError: s.addMirroredCheckedState is not a function"

DOC ID: CPQRLP202408.3.0RN20240930