Asset Pricing Criteria feature lets you switch from Asset pricing to Product List Item (PLI) pricing. However note that you cannot switch from PLI pricing to asset pricing. When you load a cart with PLI pricing, even if you use the Asset Pricing Criteria settings, you cannot switch back to asset pricing.

Generally during the initial sale, a discount is offered to a customer and the price is fixed. All further operations, called asset-based operations, are completed based on the price that was fixed which is the Asset Pricing. However, if there are any changes initiated by the customer mid-term, then you may or may not extend the initial sale discount and instead use the original product price. You can decide the criteria based on which either the asset price is used or flipped to Product List Item (PLI) price.

This criteria is based on three fields, Action (asset operations), Status (line status), and Criteria (asset line item). 

For example, select the Action as 'Change'. Select the Status as 'Amended'. Select the Criteria as 'Quantity' from the drop-down. Save these settings.

This means that if the Change operation is initiated to update the quantity on the line item with the status as Amended, then the asset price is overridden and the PLI price is added to the cart. However, these criteria settings are not triggered when any other asset-based operation such as suspend, resume, terminate, etc is performed or the line item status is anything other than Amended.

Initial saleResult after the quantity changed to 2
  • Quantity = 1
  • Net price=90 (after discount)
  • Selling Term=1
  • The new sale discount of 10% was given

There is a change request to update the Quantity to 2. When this is completed, the result is:

    • Line status=Amended
    • Quantity=2
    • Selling Term=1
    • Base price = 100 (price from PLI)
    • Net price=100*2=200
    • Delta price=110

The Net Price is calculated based on the PLI price; hence, there is no discount.

By default, the Asset Price is used throughout the sales cycle. However, the Asset Pricing Indicator setting which is available under Global Settings, plays an important role. When the Asset Pricing Indicator is set to True and Asset Pricing Criteria are not defined, then all transactions happen based on Asset Price. If the Asset Pricing Indicator is set to True and the Asset Pricing Criteria are defined, then based on the criteria, the price may be based on Asset Price or PLI.

Setting the Asset Pricing Criteria