Deal Maximizer provides you means to determine if a deal is appropriate based on a set of predefined rules. These rules drive the color bands and shapes that are displayed on the cart to help you determine if a deal is good or not. The feature guides you to present a deal that aligns with your organization's objectives which in turn helps to fast track the deals.

As an administrator, you can set up rules that define what a good deal is, and this deal rating is available to the Sales rep at the time of negotiating a deal. You can configure color bands and shapes to define rating. The deal can be rated at the header level such as an opportunity, agreement, or deal; or at the line item level for a quote or a deal. At the line item level, you can use fields such as Adjustments, to determine whether the deal is good.

As a Sales Representative, you can use Deal Maximizer on the Cart page to determine whether the deal you are offering is good or bad for your organization. Deal Maximizer displays color bands and shapes to indicate the rating of the deal, which guides you to propose good deals to the customers.

The following table lists the tasks that administrators and users can perform using Deal Maximizer

AdministratorAdministrator/Sales rep
  • Installing Deal Maximizer

  • Recommended Post-Installation Configuration

    • Configuration for Deal Guidance Dimension

    • Configuration for Deal Guidance Dimension Sets

    • Configuration for Deal Guidance Rules

    • Initiate and Integrate Deal Guidance

  • Setting Up Deals

    • Define Color Bands

    • Define Custom Measure

    • Define Deal Guidance Dimensions

    • Define Deal Guidance Dimension Sets

    • Define Deal Guidance Rules

      • Guidance for Custom Measure

    • Rule Measure Formulas

For administrator functionality, see Deal Maximizer for Administrators.

    • Use Deal Guidance Rules on the cart to improve a deal.

    • View Deal Guidance Rules on the cart.

For end-user functionality, see Deal Maximizer for Users.

Key Terminology

It is important to understand how terms are used when working with Deal Maximizer.

Color Bands

Color and shape are used to depict the pricing bands based on the deal guidance rule that matches the deal or line items on the cart.

Deal MaximizerConga solution that enables a rule-based system to deliver pricing guidance for in-flight deals that meet corporate revenue and margin objectives.
Deal Ratings

Rating of a deal for line items to indicate whether a given deal is good or bad for the organization. The deal rating is calculated based on Deal Guidance Rules.


Dimension is a business object field used to trigger the deal guidance. For example, line item fields can be defined as a dimension and used to identify the matching deal guidance rules and evaluate the deal for the given line item.

Dimension SetsA set of fields defined as dimensions that are used to configure Deal Guidance rules.
Deal Guidance RulesDeal Guidance rules are used to identify the appropriate pricing deal for the given line item in or all line items. The rules are evaluated to find the appropriate rule entry that matches with the given cart line item or the deal.

 For more information about terms used with Conga products, see Conga Product Glossary.