To create approval rules
From the Approval Rule Dimension page, click
New Approval Rule
in one of the Approval Rules (Dimension) sections, or click the plus icon
), select Approval Rules, and click New.
- Select the business object associated with the approval process this rule will be used with and click Next.
- In the Configure Rule section, enter the minimum required settings for the
Business Object
This is the value selected in step 2 and cannot be edited here.
Rule Name
Name for the rule.
Number indicating the order in which the rule will be evaluated.
Rule Type
Select Dimension or Condition.
Enter a description of the rule.
Select the dimensions to use with the rule. Available dimensions are based on the business object selected in step 2. You can select no more than six dimensions.
Dimension Types
Select Discreteor Range.
- Discrete must be a specific value, such as a number or a value for a category. A Rejected value in the Approval Status category is discrete.
- Range is continuous data where a value can be measured to multiple degrees. For example, the number of units for a product could fall into a range of 1–99, 100–199, 200–499 or 500 or more.
Note:Do not use the Rule Criteria section, as this logic is typically handled by approval step logic.
- Select Active so the rule can be used with approval processes.
- Click Save to go to the Approval Rule details page or click Save & New to add another rule.
The rule is added to the list on the Approval Rules page.
In the Approval Rules detail page, you can use the Manage Entries option to add assignees.