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To create approval rule dimensions

  1. Click the Approval Rule Dimensions tab or click the plus icon () and select Approval Rule Dimensions.
  2. Click New and enter the dimension information:



    Dimension Name

    Enter a meaningful name that will be easy to identify and select in the approval process.

    Business Object

    This should match the object in the approval process that you plan to use the approval rule with. The objects you can select from are dependent on the packages you have installed.

    Dimension Type

    Field is a field associated with the business object. Formula is a type that can be extended through the associated business object.


    The fields associated with the business object are available if the dimension type is Field. If the dimension type is Formula, enter a formula with a reference field syntax (nnn__r.area__c), such as Approval_Submitter__r.Area__c.


    Description for the approval rule dimension.

  3. Click Save to go to the Approval Rule Dimensions details or click Save & New to add another dimension.
The dimension is added to the list on the Approval Rule Dimensions page. You can now create approval rules and associate them with the dimension from either the dimension details page or the Approval Rules tab.