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To amend one-time legacy asset

  1. Bill a one-time legacy asset. For more information, see Billing the One Time Legacy Assets.
  2. Navigate to the Installed Products page and click Change on the CPQ Cart or explicitly call the API to perform an amendment on the legacy asset.
    Note: The Change:Quantity and Change:Configuration functionalities are not supported for the amendment of one-time legacy assets. If you attempt to perform any of these functions, they tend to cancel the ongoing amendment process and create a new asset line item. This new asset line item is not treated as a legacy asset by the system and hence it goes out of the scope of this functionality.

At the time of initiating Billing for the “Change” scenario, Conga Billing Engine verifies if the new Start Date is on or after the First Start Date or not.

Similarly, for a “Cancel” operation, the Engine verifies if the “Cancellation Date” is on the “Start Date” or “Start Date-1” depending upon the “Same Day Cancellation” setting.

If the validation is passed,

  • Billing processes the request and creates a new schedule with an amount equivalent to the delta/refund else it throws an error on the Order page.
  • Updates Remaining Billable Amount on the asset line item.

As of now, CPQ doesn’t stop you from amending an asset if the Change Start Date is in between the current “Start Date” and “First Billing Date.” However, Billing will not work for this scenario.

Until there are out-of-the-box messages available on the CPQ cart, it’s strongly advised by Conga Billing to create self-constraint rules (or have this logic in your callbacks) on the cart to prevent such operations.

This will ensure that the user is stopped at CPQ itself instead of discovering at the Order stage which is too late for that ALI.