Consuming a Wallet
To consume a WALI balance, the asset line item must first be linked to a wallet. To link a wallet with an asset, see "Associating a Wallet with an Asset" in Wallets.
When the wallet balance is consumed,
- The fee amount of each billing schedule is deducted from the wallet's available balance.
- Wallet drawdowns are created to keep an audit track of each billing schedule that uses the wallet balance.
- One Related A/R transaction is created.
For example, consider a WALI with a Total Balance (Wallet) and Available Balance (Wallet) of $20,000.00. You have activated a non-wallet asset and billing schedules are generated with a fee amount of $1200.00.
When the setting Consume Wallet During Invoicing? = False, then the wallet is consumed as soon as the asset is activated. It means that as soon as thebilling schedules are generated for a product worth $1,200.00, the available balance becomes $18,800.00 whereas the total balance of the wallet remains at $20,000.00.
When the setting Consume Wallet During Invoicing? = True, then the wallet balance is consumed only when a billing schedule is invoiced. It means that even if the billing schedules are generated for a product worth $1,200.00, the total balance and the available balance of the wallet remain at $20,000.00. Suppose you have invoiced the billing schedules with a fee amount of $1000.00, the available balance becomes $19,000.00 and the Total Balance (Wallet) field shows $20,000.00.