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Migrating Attachments to Files

Attachments to Files Migration feature enables users to convert all the documents, which are available as Attachments format, to the File format. You can either convert a single Attachment or bulk Attachments type to the File type.

Migration process consists of the following two tasks:

  1. Converting Attachments to File
  2. Deleting Converted Attachments


For converting attachments to files and deleting attachments, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Set the APTS_SkipFileSplitWhileSavingFile admin entry to true when all of the following conditions are met.
    • You are upgrading to Spring '21 or a later version of CLM, and
    • You are migrating Attachments that are greater than 10 MB in size to Files.

      For more information, see Admin Entries.

  • The migration tool is installed.

    You can use the free Magic Mover for Notes and Attachments tool from Salesforce to do bulk conversions of attachments to Salesforce Files. For more information see the Magic Mover Help page. Note that the tool is provided by Salesforce and can be used with Conga CLM to migrate notes and attachments.

  • The following latest versions are installed:
    • Contract Management
    • Docusign/Echosign
    • XAC
    • ContentSearch

Key Points To Remember

You must remember the following key points, before starting the migration:

  • The current implementation does not support user-level flag Files Enable. It is the Org wide flag.
  • The current version does not support Template in files, it should be in Attachments.
  • Attachment Migration trigger needs to be created before running the Migration Tool.


    After Files are migrated, you cannot switch back to the Attachment mode.

Converting Attachments to Files

Converting Attachments to Files feature enables a user to convert documents, which are saved as attachments, to files.


The migration process has the following limitations:

  • You can convert only 2,00,000 attachments per day per Production Org.
  • Existing customer can start migration only after upgrading to the Contract Management new release version and before selecting the Enable File setting.
  • Time to complete migration depends on the number of attachments getting converted to files.
  • If the number of agreements is greater than 2,00,000 then migration and downtime should be planned accordingly.

To convert attachments to files

  1. Go to the App Menu and select Attachments and Notes migrator.
  2. Click Attachments to Files. The Attachments to Files page appears.
    Figure 1. Figure: Attachments to Files Page

  3. Select the required object from the Filter by object drop-down list as shown in the below figure.
    Figure 2. Figure: Filter by object

  4. Select the Bulk conversion by object type radio button, as shown in the below image, from the Public and Private Attachments to Convert section.
    Figure 3. Figure: Bulk Conversion

    You can also convert attachments to files by selecting the followings:

    Convert by related record ID

    You can convert attachments using Record ID. Users can enter multiple IDs separated by commas or each ID in a separate line.

    Convert by attachment ID

    You can convert attachments using Attachment ID. Users can enter multiple IDs separated by commas or each ID in a separate line.

    Note: Users can also filter attachments created in a specific time period using Show items created between, by Created Date, and by Last Modified Date options
  5. Click Convert.
    Figure 4. Figure: Convert

    A pop-up appears displaying the below message as shown in the below figure.

    Figure 5. Figure: Convert Attachment

  6. Click Convert Attachment to convert the attachments or click Cancel to cancel the conversion.
  7. After attachments are converted to files, you will get an email which displays a message as highlighted in the below figure.
    Figure 6. Figure: Email Message

The conversion of attachments to files is completed.

Deleting Attachments

Delete attachments option enables users to delete the attachments which are converted to files.

To delete attachments

  1. Go to the App Menu and select Attachments and Notes migrator.
  2. Click Attachments to Files.
    The Attachments to Files page appears.

  3. Click Refresh in the Converted Public and Private Attachments section, as shown in the below figure.

  4. Converted attachments appear with details as shown in the below figure.
    Figure 7. Figure: Converted Attachments with Details

  5. Click Delete icon to delete the attachments.
    A pop-up appears displaying a message given in the below figure.
    Figure 8. Figure: Delete Converted Attachments

  6. Click Delete to delete converted attachments or click Cancel to cancel it.Your selected attachments are deleted.
    Note: Ensure Enable File setting is selected after the migration process is completed.

Migrating from Notes and Attachments to Files in Lightning

When you switch to Lightning, any files you upload to a record will be saved as Salesforce Files, rather than as attachments.

To ensure that your org is using Files, enable the following settings:

  • Go to Setup > General Settings. Select Files uploaded to the Attachments related list on records are uploaded as Salesforce Files, not as attachments.
  • Go to Setup > Custom Settings > Comply System Properties. Select Enable Files.

Please note the following:

  • After you enable Files, uploads are stored on both the "Files" and "Notes And Attachments" related lists.
  • The "Files uploaded to the Attachments related list on records are uploaded as Salesforce Files, not as attachments" setting causes files that are uploaded to be stored as the "File" type rather than the "Attachment" type.