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Agreement Lifecycle Management

This section describes how to request an agreement, manage it through the agreement lifecycle and which actions are available to manage your agreement after it goes into effect. Here is a summary of the following sections:

  • Requesting and Drafting AgreementRequesting for an agreement is the first stage of the contract management process. At this stage, users initiate agreements and find apposite documents.
  • Generating An AgreementConga CLM enables you to generate an agreement using an existing template.
  • Configurable WizardThis feature makes it possible to create your agreement-creation wizards. These wizards can then be used by your sales representatives, purchasing agents, HR managers and other users to quickly create their own agreements.
  • Negotiating An AgreementThis stage is designed for you to manage the agreement negotiation process. You can manage redlined versions of agreements in various formats side-by-side, Lock / send document, insert clauses, respond, chat, and compare versions. This also allows you to quickly observe any discrepancies and reduce negotiation time.
  • Marking an Agreement Document as PrivateConga CLM now allows you mark your agreement document as private.
  • Finalizing An AgreementThis stage covers the process for sending agreements for executing, gathering signatures and logging into the repository.
  • Routing Documents to Content LibrariesThe Libraries tab has several publishing-related options at the top of the page that allows you to upload, classify, and publish files in the Salesforce CRM Content repository.
  • Managing TemplatesConga CLM template is a common set of sections, clauses, text, and placeholders for terms and conditions. Templates can be merged with structured data to generate agreements or proposals. Templates are stored within an Apttus template repository, and are used to create quotes and contracts. Conga CLM template can be termed as a blueprint or mold for creating distributable documents.
  • Agreement PhasesThe contract process goes through typical sequences of events, or phases.
  • Managing ObligationsObligation management refers to email alerts and reminders that ensure internal and external obligations in connection to your agreements are properly fulfilled.
  • Searching and ReportingConga CLM provides the default set of capabilities for searching, views, dashboards, and reporting. This is one of the key benefits from a Contract Management system. The ability to get the key information out, for example, dates, amounts and number of contracts to make business decisions is crucial. Modifying the search and reports is based on standard Salesforce functionality.

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