Initiating Parallel Review
This initiates the parallel review for a document that is part of an Agreement. The document must be part of the agreement document version object and document versioning must be enabled.
Signature |
initiateParallelReview |
Request Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required? |
attachmentId |
Id of the document that is to be reviewed. |
Yes |
agreementId |
Id of the agreement. |
Yes |
documentVersionDetailId |
Id of the document version. |
Yes |
emailSubject |
Subject of the review email. |
Yes |
emailBody |
Body of the review email. |
Yes |
List<ReviewerWrapper> reviewersInfo |
List of reviewers. |
Yes |
Code Sample
Integration Details
Use the following information in your integrations with Apttus Contract Management Web Services API. For information on how to get started, refer to Integrating Conga CLM with External Systems.
API Prerequisites
Request/Response XML
Example Request
Example Response