Merging Multiple Documents to a PDF without PDF Protection
You can use any of the following Merge Webservice APIs to merge multiple documents into a single PDF. The supported file types are DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, and PDF. Choose the API that best suits your needs (note limitations for each):
- mergeDocsToPDF
- mergeDocsToPDF2
- createPDF
Signature |
mergeDocsToPDF |
This API merges multiple documents using the values specified in the docIds parameter into a single PDF document with the name docFileName.
Request Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required? |
parentId |
The id of the parent object to associate with the result document. |
Yes |
docIds |
A collection of the ids of the documents to merge into a PDF document. |
Yes |
docFileName |
The file name for the PDF document. |
Yes |
sessionId |
The Salesforce session id. |
Yes |
serverUrl |
The Salesforce server id. |
Yes |
You cannot use Apttus-generated PDFs with document protection enabled as input documents.
Response Parameter |
Name |
Type |
Description |
result |
The id of the generated document. |
Footers in the final PDF will always list the original filename of the input document for the collated page.
Code Sample
Integration Details
Use the following information in your integrations with Apttus Contract Management Web Services API. For information on how to get started, refer to Integrating Conga CLM with External Systems.
API Prerequisites
Request/Response XML
Example Request
Example Response