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Cloud Storage: Box: Integrating with Conga Collaborate

If you’re not already using Box, check out for additional information.

Before you get started with your Box integration:

  • Gather your Box credentials
  • Ensure the Box Integration is enabled for your Conga Collaborate account
  • Edit Integrations Permissions (determined by Group Permissions)

To connect this integration

  1. From your Administration page, click Integrations
  2. Choose Cloud Storage from the Integrations menu
  3. Click Choose on the right-hand side of the screen
  4. In the pop-up window, select Box
  5. Enter your email address and password
  6. Click Authorized
  7. Click Grant Access to Box

Organizing your documents using Box integration

The beauty of Box is how it enables you to organize your files. Find out how to get your documents and templates to Box and into your system in the following sections.

Designating a default Box folder

Accepted and signed Conga Collaborate documents are legally binding. Using this feature lets you upload them directly to a folder in your Box account so that nothing slips through the cracks.

  1. From your Administration page, click Integrations
  2. Choose Cloud Storage from the Integrations menu
  3. Click Choose on the right-hand side of the screen
  4. Select the folder you want (you can navigate to subfolders by clicking the name of a parent folder)
  5. Click Select (the filepath to the folder will now show up under Default Destination for Signed Documents)
  6. Click Save

Designating a Box folder for a template

Follow these steps to guide a template to its Box destination:

  1. With the template open, click the Properties tab
  2. Click Choose to the right of the Cloud Folder for Signed Document field
  3. Select folder destination you want (you may navigate to sub-folders by clicking the name of a parent folder)
  4. Click Select

Setting a default file name pattern

A PDF downloaded from a proposal often ends up with w default file name that’s hard to understand. This feature lets you assign variables to keep file names clean and clear.

  1. From the Administration page, click Integrations
  2. Click Cloud Storage
  3. Under Filename Pattern, click Insert Variable (include at least one variable; you can include additional text in the Filename Pattern as well)
  4. Click Save

Setting filename patterns for templates

Using different filename patterns and variables for templates can make your searches easier.

  1. From the Template you want to set a Box filename pattern for, click the Properties tab.
  2. Enter your variable name in the Cloud Filename Pattern field (include at least one variable; you can include additional text in the Filename Pattern as well; ensure to include the {{ double curly brackets }} around your variable name. (e.g., {{proposal_client}} PDF ))

Attaching Box Files to a Document

A Box file can be added as a new page in your Conga Collaborate document.

  1. From a Conga Collaborate document, click New Page at the top of the table of contents bar on the left-hand side of the screen
  2. Click Cloud Asset
  3. Choose your file (you can navigate to sub-folders by clicking on the folder)
  4. Click Select