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Composer High Volume Document Generation API

With Composer high volume document generation API, you can send up to 600,000 PDF documents per day through email, SFTP, or through integration with Conga Sign. Now you can generate documents at a much higher volume and scale, sending out mass communication, bills and invoices, or any notices and statements easily with Composer High Volume Document Generation.

Scale Limits

  • Up to a maximum of 25,000 documents per hour.

  • Up to a maximum of 600,000 documents in a 24 hour period.

Supported File Types and Delivery Types

High Volume Document Generation can use the following delivery types:

  • Email

  • SFTP

  • Conga Sign

The following file types can be used for High Volume Document Generator API solutions:

  • JSON
  • CSV

JSON files can be used to deliver SFTP, Email and Sign API solutions, and are structured as an array of records in a JSON format.

CSV files can be uses for SFTP and Email solutions, and are not compatible with Sign solutions. They are structured as individual rows and require a header for each column. See examples of these file types in Data File Structure and API Structure.