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Getting a Template and File ID for High Volume API Request

In order to send documents for High Volume Document Generation, you will need to first acquire the ID of the template file you wish to send to your recipients.
Note: Only JSON or CSV data files can be used as HTML templates with High Volume Document Generation API requests.

Retrieving File or Template IDs

Retrieve the JSON or CSV data file ID

  1. Login as an Administrator for Composer on the Conga Advantage Platform.

  2. Navigate to Shared Apps > Conga Drive > My Files.

  3. Next to the desired data file, click the settings icon ().

  4. Select Copy File ID.

Retrieve the Conga Drive Conga Template

  1. Login as an Administrator for Composer on the Conga Advantage Platform.

  2. Navigate to Shared Apps > Conga Drive > Conga Templates.

  3. Next to the desired data file, click the (three dots icon).

  4. Select Copy Template ID.

Where to Input the File ID and Template ID

Below is an example of the Request Body JSON where you will input the retrieved IDs.

The dataFileId is the ID of the JSON or CSV data file containing the IDs, EmailOptions, DocumentOptions and Data. The templateIds values are the corresponding IDs of your merge templates where dataFileID values will populate.
Note: Only one templateID value is supported for High Volume Document Generation at this time.
{ "dataFileId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", "templateIds": [ "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6" ], "emailTemplateId": "string", "emailProvider": "None", "format": "Json", "useCongaSign": true, "useSFTP": false, "sftpFolderName": "string" }