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Configuring OneSpan Sign with Conga Composer

How to configure OneSpan Sign to work with Conga Composer.

OneSpan Sign by Vasco is an electronic signature service that allows you to easily and securely sign Composer documents over the internet. You can configure OneSpan Sign to work with Conga Composer.

Pre-requisites for OneSpan Sign and Composer integration:

  • Install the latest OneSpan Sign for Salesforce package from the Appexchange.
  • Once it is installed, ensure that OneSpan Sign is connected by navigating to the OneSpan Sign Admin tab in Salesforce and logging in with your OneSpan Sign credentials.

    The Salesforce environments you are configuring your integration for must match in both OneSpan and Conga Sign. For example, you cannot integrate a Conga Sign Production environment with a OneSpan Sandbox environment.