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Add the Query to the Composer Solution Using an Alias

Now that the Conga Query has been created, you need to replace the ReportId parameter in the button URL with the QueryId parameter. Then you need to update the value of the QueryId parameter to the Id of the new Conga Query record.

Follow the steps below to complete these tasks.

  1. Navigate to the button in Salesforce Setup. SetupCustomize → Your Master Object (i.e. Account) → Buttons, Links, and Actions.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Delete the ReportID parameter.
  4. Copy the QueryId parameter below and paste it into the URL where the ReportId parameter was.
    • &QueryId=
  5. Click Quick Save.
  6. In a separate tab, navigate to the Conga Query record you created in the earlier step and copy the last fifteen characters of the URL, which is the Query record Id.
  7. Return to the tab with your button URL and paste the Id as the value of the QueryId parameter.
  8. Add the alias, which is the name of the query dataset as it will appear in the Template Builder and be referenced in your Conga templates. For our example, we will call ours Contacts. Add the alias by typing the name between the "=" and the first character in the query Id, then surround the name with "[" and "]". Ensure there are no spaces.
  9. Click Save to save the updated button URL.

Test the Query

  1. Navigate to a record with your Composer button you are working on. Click the button to launch the solution. For our example, we will navigate to an Account record and launch our Account Summary button.
  2. From the Composer user interface that opens, click the Tools & Settings drop-down and select the Template Builder.
  3. If the query was added correctly, you will see a new dataset named with your alias name. Expand the dataset to see the query data that Composer has retrieved. The fields available should be the same Columns you added to the query in the earlier step. In our example, we have First Name, Last Name, Title, and Phone, as well as some additional fields.

Congratulations! You have completed the process of converting your report to a query. The next step is to update affected templates by mapping these new merge fields to your template. Go to the next step.