Configure Conga Composer for Lightning
The Salesforce Lightning Experience combines the new Lightning Design System, Lightning App Builder and Lightning Components to enable anyone to quickly and easily create modern enterprise apps within Salesforce. The changes to the Salesforce interface will require customers to update their Conga Composer solutions when they switch to Lightning.
For more information about Lightning, we recommend reviewing the Lightning Trail on Salesforce Trailhead.
How will Migrating to Lightning Affect My Conga Solutions?
Currently, Salesforce customers can switch between Salesforce Classic and the Salesforce Lightning Experience. When you decide your organization is ready to switch to Lightning, the following items will need to be updated so your Conga Composer solutions continue to work:
- If your Salesforce Org has Lightning enabled, converting Salesforce Reports to Conga Queries is not required, but it is highly recommended due to better data gathering performance, versatility, and stability.
- If you replace your Salesforce Reports with Conga Queries, review all your templates as changing reports to queries changes your merge field names.
- Non-OAuth buttons must be converted to OAuth buttons.
- Conga Composer must be configured as a Connected App.
For more information and guided steps on how to address the above items, see the Lightning Migration Assistant.