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Printing Batches of Word Documents

When generating a batch of documents with Mail Merge, you can choose to generate a single (potentially large) output file, or separate files (zipped into a single download).

In some cases, Mail Merge will automatically generate separate files (specifically if the output file would exceed 40 MB). After downloading the zip file, unzip it to a directory of your choice. You may then print the files by selecting Edit > Select All > File > Print. Word will open for each document and the printed output will be directed to your computer’s default printer. This option is good if you have a small number of documents

For more control over the printed output, you may choose to create the following Word macro. The benefit of doing so is that you can set printer options before printing, and Word does not have to open and close for each document.

To create a Batch Print Macro:

  1. Open the template and create a macro.



    Word 2003

    Click Tools > Macro > Macros > …

    Word 2007/2010:

    Click Tools > Macro > Macros > …

  2. Click the Developer ribbon.
  3. In the Code group, choose Macros.
  4. Enter BatchPrint as the Macro Name and select NORMAL.DOT in the “Macros In:” list box.
  5. Click Create.
  6. Paste or type the following code on a blank line between the Sub BatchPrint() and End Sub:
    Dim MyPath As String, MyName As String
    MyPath = "c:\my documents\" ‘ == CHANGE TO YOUR OWN FOLDER LOCATION ==
    MyName = Dir$(MyPath & "*.doc")
    Application.PrintOut _
    Background:=False, _
    FileName:=MyPath & MyName
    MyName = Dir
    Do While MyName <> ""
    Application.PrintOut _
    Background:=False, _
    FileName:=MyPath & MyName
    MyName = Dir
  7. ChooseFile > Close and Return to Microsoft Word.
  8. To run the macro: Choose Tools > Macro > Macros, select BatchPrint and then Run. (Alternatively, you can create a button to execute the macro.)

    The macro will prompt you to select a folder on your computer. (Select one that contains Word documents.) It then opens each Word document within the folder and prints it to whatever printer is selected from the File > Print dialog box.