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Grouping Detail Data with TableGroupStart in PowerPoint

You can group detail-data in PowerPoint PPTX templates, much as you would in a Word template, by including a TableGroupStart: merge field on the first row of a detail table. Each resulting group is placed on its own slide.

The syntax for a PPTX TableGroupStart field is {{TableGroupStart:DatasetName:FieldName}} followed by static text and standard merge fields from the dataset to display for each grouping.

The {{TableGroupStart}} field must be placed in the first row of the table, and it must be followed by a standard {{TableStart}} and{{TableEnd}} detail region.

This field:

Results in:

Note: Only one TableGroup or TableGroupStart may be used per dataset. You may duplicate a dataset in order to use an additional TableGroup or TableGroupStart; ensure you give this dataset a unique alias.