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Creating Offline Contract

If you have an existing document, such as a third-party contract, and want to import it as an agreement, you can create an offline agreement in Conga for Google Docs. This agreement is created outside of Salesforce and is not linked to any existing agreement record, resulting in a new agreement record in Conga CLM.

To create an offline agreement

  1. Sign in to Google Docs.
  2. Open the existing agreement .gdoc file or create a new blank document in Google Docs. Type your text into the blank document, then use the formatting tools in Google Docs to style your text as needed.
  3. Go to Extensions > Conga for Google Docs > Launch.
    The Conga for Google Docs pane appears.
  4. Log in to Conga for Google Docs.
    The Home page appears.
  5. You can create an offline agreement in two different ways:

    The option to create an offline contract is available only if the "Enable Google Drive" option is enabled in the Comply System Properties on Conga CLM. For more details, see Comply System Properties.

    • Select Create New Offline Contract from the New menu.
    • Select Contracts and click the Create Offline button.
    • Go to the Menu () icon, select Contracts, and then click Create Offline.
  6. In the New Offline Contract pane, enter values in the following fields.



    Contract Name

    Enter the agreement name.

    Record Type

    Select the record type from the picklist.

    Account Name

    Search and select the account name.

    Contact Name

    Search and select the contact name.

    Start Date

    Select the start date of the agreement from the date picker.

    End Date

    Select the end date of the agreement from the date picker.

  7. Click Create.
A success message appears. A newly created agreement opens in a new tab and the add-on pane details the opened agreement.

A new agreement is created and your agreement record is checked into Conga CLM. You can find a link to the Google Docs agreement under CLM > Agreements > Open Agreement > Click Version > Details tab. Click the Document URL to open it.