Reconciling Contract Document
The reconciliation feature allows you to preview the differences between the current or modified values in the document and those in the Conga CLM values. Reconciliation is performed at the time of check-in.
In a typical scenario where an agreement document is sent to an external party for negotiation, the external party makes changes to the document as part of the negotiation process. If these changes involve data belonging to the agreement record, reconciliation provides the mechanism to ensure that the values in the document and the agreement record are in sync.
To reconcile an agreement, you must enable the Reconcile option from the Check-In pane. This option displays the inserted and modified smart clauses (where 'modified' refers to smart clauses whose values are updated or deleted) in your agreement. It shows the edited and original clause content and highlights the changed clause content in the current clause text pane.
The following tasks are available for reconciliation:
- Insert as a smart clause
- Modify a smart clause
- Delete a smart clause
- Modify a smart field
- Delete a smart field
- Mark plain text as a smart clause
- Mark contract content as a smart field
To check in and reconcile smart fields and clauses
You can view the reconciled clauses and their changes under the Agreement Clauses related list of the associated agreement record in Salesforce. This table lists the clause activity captured throughout contract generation, negotiation, and subsequent check-ins:
Action | Description |
Original | Generating an agreement for the first time using a template that contains a smart clause. |
Inserted | Inserting a clause in the agreement document using the Clause Library |
Modified | Modifying a clause in the agreement document. |
MarkUp | Marking plain text as clause in the agreement document. |
Deleted | Deleting a clause in the agreement document. |
- If there are multiple instances or occurrences of the same field in a Google Docs document, and any of those instances are in Track Changes mode or Suggestion mode, they are excluded from the group. Consequently, they are not a part of the reconciliation process. After check-in, these instances are not updated with the same value, as they were skipped.
For example, If there are four instances of the "agreement end date" field, with the first one edited in edit mode and the second in suggestion mode, during reconciliation, the second instance is skipped. After check-in, the third and fourth instances are updated with the value from the first one.
- If you delete a field or clause in Suggesting mode and do not accept the change, the deleted items will not appear in the reconciliation.