The Contract Intelligence (Standalone) application's InSights gives you an overview of what's in your documents and enables you to search them with power, specificity, and repeatability.
To access insights, click the InSights button () in the left navbar.
You can use InSights to search all the documents you have access to, using search strategies ranging from simple keyword searches to sophisticated searches that filter for multiple conditions and terms. You can search by any fundamental term or key term, any added tag, any extracted topic (clause), contracting parties, effective date, or expiration date. For most search parameters, you can also do an exclude (logical NOT) search, detecting, for example, contracts lacking an exclusivity agreement. For fields, you can search using relative logical operators ("greater than," "less than," "equal to," "greater than or equal to," "less than or equal to," or (for ranges) "between").
You can conjoin multiple filtering conditions with Boolean operators to create subtle, sophisticated searches. A salesperson might, for example, look for contracts over a certain value with a renewal expiring in the new year, sorted by date or by value. A logistics specialist might likewise search for a particular product deliverable commonly mentioned only in contracts' annex documents. An executive might review contract terminations over the past five years valued over a certain price threshold (but not executed by one troubled division) to spot overlooked deficiencies in the company's performance.
These searches return a list of documents satisfying the search and filtration criteria. To customize your search view by screening the output by column, use the Columns control on the right of the output table to select which columns to display or conceal. You can export the results as a comma-separated values (.CSV) file.
Once your search is perfected, you can save it and share it. You can also edit or delete your saved filters.