Conga Product Documentation

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Organizing Documents

You can organize you documents according to any underlying principle you choose. The following organizing schemes are suggested as best practices.

Organizing by Document Category

Top Folder

Start with the categories of agreement. For example:
  • "Vendor Agreements"
  • "Customer Agreements"
  • "Partner Agreements"
  • "NDAs"


Create folders for each counterparty. This is helpful if you have multiple documents per counterparty.

It may be helpful to create additional segmentation (subfolders) to organize the counterparties. For example by:
  • Region: For example, "North America", "Europe", "Southwest", "Pacific", "California"
  • Market or vertical: For example, "SMB", "Enterprise", "Healthcare", "Manufacturing"
  • Customer's first contract date: For example, 2018, pre-2010
Some put all of the contracts and documents in the top-tier folder to make it easier for CCI to to find the agreements when extracting all counterparties. This option, however, limits your ability to share to individual teams by folder.

Organizing by Business Unit or Acquisition

This approach is useful when dealing with subsidiaries or acquisitions.

Create a top folder for each business team or unit (for instance, subsidiary, acquired company, HR team, marketing group, etc.). Each business unit or team can then organize its folder structure as works for them (for example, by the document categories described above).

Organizing by Binder

Documents can be associated with a master agreement using Contract Binders. This feature ties documents together by association and enables contextual review and analysis of document metadata acquired by verified extraction. For more, see Organizing Documents with Contract Binders.