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Configuring Service Pricing

The service pricing flow is as follows:

  • Create as many dimensions in the matrix as the number of your asset dimensions. Set up the matrix pricing for the service bundle and the service component individually. CPQ relies on the first match for the service price. Specify entries with less ambiguity (wild card) at the beginning of the matrix. For more information, see Creating Price Matrices and Dimensions.
  • Configure the Service Price Distribution Method setting at Setup > Develop > Events > Custom Settings > Config System Properties. For more information, see Configuring Custom Settings.
  • For Relate Component - Bundle to Bundle scenario: Related line items created only at the bundle level for the equipment items selected. Service is priced individually at the service bundle level and at the service option level for each related line item Individual service prices are then averaged to obtain the base price of the service line item and are then further rolled up to arrive at the price for the service line.
  • For Relate Component - Bundle to Component scenario: Related line items created only at the component level for the selected components of the equipment

    (Note the behavior change from the previous releases – no related line items are created for the equipment bundles – you can see bundle associated with the component as an associated column on the same related line item). Service is priced individually at the service bundle level and the at the service option level for each related line item. Individual service prices are then averaged to obtain the base price of the service line item and are then further rolled to arrive at the price for the service line.

  • If there is no matching entry in the price matrix, it will take price as zero.
  • CPQ derives the weightage of the service line from its contribution.
  • Define split criteria to enable users to clone a service with some or all related line items using in the Service Cart. For more information, see Defining Service Line Split Criteria.