About Cart Views
CPQ provides admin cart views.
You can set a cart view as default or admin for a group of users in order to provide them a tailor-made experience per business requirements.
- You can set an exisiting or a new cart as default or admin.
- You can create a user group based on profiles, roles, and users to assign the default view.
- You can disassociate the user groups from the default view.
- You can format the admin view layout.
The cart views uses following two objects for storing the information related to views instead of only ConfigSetting object.
- Config Field Set objectThis object is used to store the field list for a particular Cart View that is created by a user.
Go to Custom Setting > Config Field Set to see the view that a user has created from the Cart. The cart views created on the cart by the users are Private and are not visible to other users.
- User Views objectThis object is used to store the association between the Cart Views and the User Type (User Profiles or User Roles or Users). It also stores information such as Flow, Default setting, Group By field, and Type of profile.
Go to All Tabs > User Views to see the view that an admin has created from the New Admin UI (CPQ Admin) > Application Management > Cart Page.
On the New Admin UI, an admin can configure a view with a Flow, View Name, Group By field, default setting, Public or Private profile type, and the User Type. Ususally the view created by an admin is Protected by default and is visible to other users based on the eligibility. The admin can make the view public to make it visible to all users.
A user can delete a view which is created only by the user (Private view) while an admin can delete a view which is created only by admin (Protected and Public views).
If a default view is deleted, then the next default view in the following order of precedence is displayed:
- User view = Private
- Admin views = Profile, Role, User, Public
If a user does not set the default view, then the first view that is associated with the user profile is displayed as default.