Enabling Auto Ramp Creation
As a sales representative, you might want to auto generate ramp line creation based on general information, like Start Date, End Date, and Term. In the previous releases, when you created price ramps, every line was created individually. Also, the sales representative might want to set up some custom date to adjust charge lines for customers. To address the first scenario, check the Enable Auto Ramp Creation under the Miscellaneous tab on a Price List Item page to enable automatic price ramp on the other charge type.
Consider the following scenarios:
Scenario 1
Consider a scenario where a product has two charge types. When using price ramp on any one of the charge types, the price ramp should be created for the other charge type too. In the previous releases, the system could create a price ramp for only one charge type with the help of an API. This issue has been addressed in the current release, with the introduction of Enable Auto Ramp Creation in the Price List Item under the Miscellaneous tab to enable automatic price ramp on the other charge type.
Scenario 2
As a sales representative, you might want to auto generate ramp line creation based on general information, like Start Date, End Date, and Term. Also, you might want to set up some custom date to adjust charge lines for customers. To auto generate ramp line creation, check the Enable Auto Ramp Creation in the Price List Item page under the Miscellaneous tab to enable automatic price ramp on the other charge type. To set up custom date, you can set the start date, end date, terms and frequency period during ramp creation. You can select the frequency period as ‘Monthly’, ‘Quarterly, ‘Yearly’ or as ‘Custom’. If you select ‘Custom’ as frequency period, then mention the number of ramps in the text field. The start date, end date, and terms are available when added to the cart. When you click ‘save’, all the lines are created at the same time. When you select ‘Monthly’, ‘Quarterly, or ‘Yearly’, the system creates a number of ramps based on Start Date, End Date, and Term. If ‘Custom’ is selected as the frequency, the system creates a number of lines based on the number of ramps.
To enable Auto Ramp creation
You must have an existing price list item.
This auto generates the ramp line creation based on general information, such as Start Date, End Date, Term, and Frequency period.