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Translating CPQ Record Values

Conga CPQ provides the ability to translate the records to other languages. You can use this functionality to display translated values of the following type of records:

  • Product
  • Category and Option Group

For Sales reps using the org in a locale other than English, you can translate the values as necessary and display them on the Catalog, Configuration, and Cart pages. To translate the values you must add the translated text in the corresponding translation-related list for each record. For example, you must add translated text of the product field details in the Product Translation related list for each product.


If you want to translate the custom fields you have created on the Product or Category object, you must create custom fields with the same API names on the Product Translation or Category Translation object as well. After you create the fields, you must add those fields in the Product Translation or the Category Translation edit pages layout.

Translating Product Details field value

You must translate the information in the product details field values in the desired language and add them to the Product Translation related list for each product.
To add translated information in the Product Translation related list
  1. In Salesforce Classic UI, go to App Menu > Conga Products Setup > Products.
  2. Open the product for which you want to add translated information.
  3. Under Product Translations related list, click New Product Translation
  4. Fill in the following details.



    Translation Name

    Enter the name of the language.


    Select the currency in which the prices are displayed.


    Enter the translated Product Code.


    Enter the translated product description.


    Product name is populated automatically if you navigated to this page through the Product Details page. Otherwise, search and select the name of the product.


    Enter the translated Product Family


    Enter the 2 letter ISO code for language. For example, FR for French and JP for Japanese.


    Enter the translated Product Name

  5. Click Save.

Translating Category Details Field Value

You must translate the information in the category, sub-category, and option groups detail field values in the desired language and add them to the Category Translation related list for each record.

To add translated information in the Category Translation related list
  1. In Salesforce Classic UI, go to App Menu > Conga Products Setup > Category.
  2. Open the category, sub-category, or option group record for which you want to add translated information.
  3. Go to the Category Hierarchy associated with the record you opened.
  4. Under Category Translations related list, click New Category Translation
  5. Fill in the following details.



    CategoryTranslation Name

    Enter the name of the translation record


    Enter the 2 letter ISO code for language. For example, FR for French and JA for Japanese.


    Enter the translated text for the record.


    Enter the name of the Category Hierarchy associated with the record.

  6. Click Save.

Translate Field Values on the Cart Page

Unlike the Catalog and Configuration page, the Cart page retrieves values of fields from the Line Item object. To display the translated details on the Cart page, you must create formula fields on the Line Item object to enable CPQ to use the translated details from the Product Translation and Category Translation object.
To create a formula field in the Line Item object
  1. Go to Setup > App Setup > Create > Objects and select Line Item
  2. Under Custom Fields & Relationships section, click New.
  3. Select Formula from the Field Type.
  4. Click Next.
  5. In Field Label, enter the name of the Product or Category field for which you want to translate the values.
  6. Click the Field Name textbox, the value is populated automatically.
  7. From Formula Return Type, select Text.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Enter the formula to return the text value of the product field value of which has to be translated. For example, if you want to display the field value of Product Type on the cart, enter


  10. Establish field-level security and click Next.
  11. Select appropriate page layouts where you want to add this field.
  12. Click Save.