Activating Orders
Once you have accepted the Quote/Proposal, an Order is created with the Status = New. All the Proposal Line Items are copied to the Asset Line Items and Order Line Items. To proceed further with creating Assets for the products/services listed in your Quote/Proposal, you must activate this Order.
You can activate an Order by following any of the below-mentioned procedures:
- By selecting Auto-Activate
Order check box on the Quote/Proposal page:
If you choose this option, once you accept a Quote/Proposal, the Order is created and activated simultaneously.
- By manually entering an Order-Activation Date:
If you choose this option, you have to manually enter a Date and Time in the Order Activation Date field on the Quote/Proposal page.
Once activated, you can see the status of the Asset Line Items and Order Line Items is changed to Activated. See Managing Assets for more details.