Enabling Tiered Pricing
Price Tiers enable an end user to view or set up tiers on the pricing cart page. This ensures there are pricing settings (product line item) that determine if tiers can be modifiable or just viewable on the pricing cart page.
You can view existing pricing tiers and adjust pricing on the tier lines (if allowed). This also provides the capability to do tiers per units or usage and also capture additional usage charges for tiers.
If you have defined price matrices, the tiered pricing for a product is inherited from there. If you make any adjustments on the line item that has a tiered rate defined, the adjustments apply to tiered rate and also affect the price matrices.
If you are using usage-based pricing and have a matrix defined, the first dimension should always be a numeric value such as Quantity and not a string value.
You cannot make a price list item rampable and tierable at the same time.
To enable tiered pricing
You must have an existing price list item.
You can create or modify tiers for pricing on the pricing cart page.