Creating Product Attribute Rules
Product Attribute Rules allow product configuration according to product attributes that are based on the actions you select. Each attribute value selection should ensure that the rest of the attributes get constrained to allow only valid selections to help narrow the result set. The attributes can also leverage expressions and calculations to derive values that help identify the product variant. This feature simplifies the configuration process, eliminates the need for component-level choices and provides guided selling at the product configuration level. You can also set multiple actions for the same product attribute rule.
Product Attribute Rules can be configured using product attributes and lookup attributes on the Target Attribute field. To use lookup attributes, make sure their entries are available in the Lookup Field Settings.
The product attribute rule is applied to the criteria that you define in the Criteria section. You can define simple and advanced criteria. In simple criteria, you can select field, operator and value. In advanced criteria, you can set a condition, if it is true, then the actions in the Action section are triggered.
If you have set a default value for a field from Salesforce and you define a product attribute rule with an action of setting the default value, then the value mentioned in the Salesforce field is set. In short, you cannot override the default value that is set in the Salesforce field by using a product attribute rule.
Attributes are constrained on the basis of selection of other attributes. The constrained values are not displayed in the drop-down menu. In order to reset the list, click or select -None- from the picklist.
For example, Amttus, a leading laptop manufacturer, wants to drive the product selection of their users by using attributes. A laptop has five attributes - Color, HDD, RAM, Screen Size, and Fingerprint Reader. The following table describes the products and its attributes.
Product |
A-560 |
A-560m |
A-440 |
A-440m |
A-320 |
A-320m |
Color |
Black |
Black |
White |
White |
Black |
White |
1 TB |
2 TB |
500 MB |
500 MB |
1 TB |
1 TB |
8 |
16 |
4 |
8 |
8 |
16 |
Screen Size |
14 HD |
14 HD |
15 |
15 HD |
14 |
14 HD |
Fingerprint Reader |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Now, we want to set the default value of Fingerprint Reader as yes, if the user selects White from Color picklist menu and 500 MB from HDD picklist menu.