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Configuring Promotions

With the Promotions Management application, you can now manage, execute, and analyze promotions using the CPQ product line. With the Promotions Management application, marketing managers can create new promotions, get internal approvals for such promotions, and roll these promotions to their sales channels.

You can use Conga Promotions to create and manage promotions like,

  • buy X get X promotions
  • tiered promotions
  • automatically applied promotions
  • coupon-based promotions

You can apply promotions on line item and on order levels. If you have applied promotion on order level, the promotion type is restricted to Buy X get X only.

  • Line item promotions (Allow User Override = true) should not display incentives with Context Type = Summary Group.
  • If the promotions is “push” promotion, the promotions are auto applied to the matching quote total or total summary group.
  • If the promotions is “pull” promotion, the user can select the promotion and have it applied to the matching grant group total or total summary group.
  • When the user override is enabled, only display Promotions, of which the context type is "line item.

For more information on how promotions work, see About Promotions Workflow and Types of Promotions