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Upgrading Digital Commerce from October '23 to June '24

This section describes step-by-step instructions to upgrade your Digital Commerce application and SDK from October '23 to June '24.

To upgrade Digital Commerce application

  1. Go to Setup > Installed Packages.
  2. Refer to the following table to ensure that your Salesforce org has the October '23 packages installed and you have the June '24 packages and dependent packages to upgrade. These packages are required to utilize the new features and enhancements of June '24.

    Package Names

    October '23

    Version Name | Version Number

    June '24

    Version Name | Version Number

    Conga Contract Lifecycle Management

    14.1.709 | 14.709

    15.1.750 | 15.750

    Conga Partner Commerce

    (Required only if you are using Partner Commerce)

    1.0.0000 | 1.0

    1.0.0000 | 1.0

    Conga Digital Commerce

    7.2.183 | 7.183

    8.1.188 | 8.188

    Conga Digital Commerce SDK

    2303.0.6 (2303)

    2402.0.2 (2402)

    Conga Quote Management

    13.2.0267 | 12.267

    14.1.0268 | 14.268

    Conga Base Library

    (Pre-requisite for Installing Conga Configuration & Pricing)

    4.2.249 | 4.249

    5.1.266 | 5.266

    Conga Configuration & Pricing

    15.2.2106 | 14.2106

    16.1.2136 | 16.2136

    Conga Quote Configuration Integration

    15.2.0405 | 15.405

    16.1.0408 | 16.408

    Conga CPQ Setup

    15.2.141| 15.141

    16.1.147 | 16.147

    Conga CPQ API

    15.2.0134 | 15.134

    16.0.0136 | 16.136

    Conga Promotions

    (Required if you are using Promotions)

    1.0.0000 | 1.0

    1.0.0000 | 1.0

    Conga Quote -Asset Integration

    (Required if you are using Assets Based Ordering)

    6.5.0015 | 6.15

    6.5.0015 | 6.15

    Conga Order Management

    (Required only if Partner Commerce package is installed)

    1.0.0000 | 1.0

    1.0.0000 | 1.0

    Conga Billing

    9.2.377 | 9.377

    10.1.399 | 10.399

  3. Perform the upgrade. The upgrade procedure is the same as the installation procedure. Install the required managed package in the same order as mentioned in the table above. For detailed information on installing managed packages, see Installing Digital Commerce Package.
  4. After the upgrade is complete, perform the post-upgrade tasks.

To upgrade Digital Commerce SDK

Refer to the SDK Guide, and go to Upgrade Information > Upgrading the Digital Commerce Template from October '23 to June '24.

Perform the following tasks:

  1. Updating the libraries
  2. Updating npmrc file

    After cloning the reference template, you must update the npmrc file in the reference template with the SDK library hosted URL as below. Enter your GitHub authentication token at line 2 after authToken=
