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Downloading Partner Commerce SDK

Previously, the Conga Cloud Ops team provided access to the npm packages and libraries along with other artifacts to download and deploy the Digital Commerce application.

With this release, the following changes are done for easy access to the artifacts through a public facing Github repository.

  • The core, ecommerce, and elements libraries that form the SDK are hosted at: github repository.
  • To install the SDK packages, you must make the following changes to the package.json file before running the npm install command:
    • Rename @apttus/core to @congacommerce/core
    • Rename @apttus/ecommerce to @congacommerce/ecommerce
    • Rename @apttus/elements to @congacommerce/elements
  • All the SDK libraries along with ecommerce and partner-commerce base templates are moved to a mono repository structure (single repository). From the new repository, under Projects, the folder named congacommerce contains the SDK libraries. The ecommerce and partner-commerce folders contain the configuration and json files that point to the new congacommerce library.
  • After the SDK libraries are built, they are published to the github release registries here:

All these changes ensures that all the consumable code base is under a single repository.


After cloning the reference template, you must update the npmrc file in the reference template with the SDK library hosted URL as below. Enter your Github authentication token at line 2 after authToken=



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