Footer Section

Retrieves the account roles assigned to the specified user. If the subaccount feature is enabled, the API retrieves all specified or user-assigned subaccount roles if accountId is provided. Using this call requires roles and permissions to be enabled on your account. To enable roles and permissions, contact your Conga Sign sales representative.
The unique sender id.
This parameter is used when the subaccount feature is enabled to get specified subaccount roles. If it is undefined, all user-assigned subaccount roles receive responses.
Object to manage user account roles
The unique user id.
The user's unique account id.
The user's account roles.
Automatically generated guid
True when the role was created in a parent sub-account.
True when the role is defined by OneSpan and uneditable. False when the role is managed by your account and editable (Role Management permission required for editing a role).
curl --request GET \--url \--header 'Accept: application/json' \--header 'Authorization: 123'
1[2{3"userId": "string",4"accountId": "string",5"accountRoles": [6{7"id": "string",8"name": "string",9"enabled": true,10"description": "string",11"permissions": [12"string"13],14"inherited": true,15"predefined": true16}17]18}19]