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In-Person Signing

In-Person Signing Functionality

Use Conga Sign to capture signatures while In-Person with your prospects, customers, and partners at any time without the need to send an email invitation. In-Person Signing Transactions bypass the standard email functionality, allowing users to expedite the signing experience without needing to access their email. In-Person Signing functionality is useful for scenarios that require a signed document on the spot, such as trade shows, door to door sales, and on-site visits. In-Person Signing feature is compatible with the Salesforce1 Mobile App, Salesforce Classic, and Salesforce Lightning, allowing users to easily create In-Person Signing Transactions on smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

In-Person Signing Roles

In-Person Signing feature requires two different roles for each In-Person Signing Transaction: the In-Person Signer and the Facilitator. The Signer role is also available for assignment in an In-Person transaction but is not required.

In-Person Signer

The In-Person Signer is the recipient signing a Conga Sign document In-Person. The In-Person Signer Role designates the Conga Sign transaction as a In-Person Signing Transaction, rather than the default email-based Transaction. This role is required to create the In-Person Signing transaction. An In-Person Signer must be an existing Contact, Lead, or User record with a valid email address.

The In-Person Signer is always the first signer required to complete their assigned Conga Sign tags, and as such Conga Sign requires Serial Routing order for this feature. Any additional Signers defined in an In-Person Signing Transaction must complete their assigned tags after the In-Person Signer completes their portion of the Transaction.


The Facilitator is the Salesforce user that created the In-Person Signing Transaction and is responsible for conducting the In-Person signing. The Facilitator role is automatically populated once the In-Person Signer role is assigned to a recipient. This role is assigned to the running Salesforce user that designated the In-Person Signer role. Users must assign the In-Person Signer role before the Facilitator role is assigned. Only one Facilitator is allowed for each Sign In-Person Transaction.

A Facilitator is responsible for physically handing the device to the In-Person Signer and guiding them through the In-Person Signing transaction. The Facilitator is not considered a signer in the Transaction and therefore cannot have Conga Sign tags added or assigned for that role. However, the running Salesforce User is available to add as a Signer to the Transaction in addition to their Facilitator role. Facilitators will not receive a "Transaction Sent" email notification, as there is no need for the role to receive one.

Signer (optional)

The Signer is a recipient responsible for signing the Conga Sign document over email. This role is not required for an In-Person transaction. A Signer is emailed the Conga Sign Transaction after the In-Person Signer completes their assigned tags. Users can easily define the signer order for additional Signers when creating the In-Person Signing Transaction. In-Person Signing functionality is not yet available for Conga Sign-integrated Composer solutions.

To create an In-Person signing transaction

  1. Navigate to an object record in Salesforce and click the Send with Conga Sign button to launch Conga Sign.
  2. Select a Conga Sign document.
  3. Add a Recipient to the Conga Sign transaction.
  4. Click the Role dropdown field and change the Recipient's role from Signer to In-Person Signer.

    Changing a Recipient to an In-Person Signer role automatically adds the running Salesforce user as the Facilitator role.

  5. Click Begin In-Person Signing.
    1. If the Conga Sign document is pre-tagged, click the Begin In-Person Signing button to begin the transaction.
    2. If a user needs to add tags to the Conga Sign document, click Preview and Tag. After adding tags to the document, click Begin In-Person Signing button from the tagging user interface to begin the transaction.

To facilitate and complete an In-Person Signing transaction

  1. The Facilitator is prompted to review the role's responsibilities. Click Continue to proceed with the transaction.

  2. Pass the device to the In-Person Signer.
  3. The In-Person Signer must complete In-Person Signing Verification and click Continue.

  4. Click I Agree to agree to the electronic disclosure and begin In-Person Signing.
    Clicking I Agree confirms that the In-Person Signer accepts the electronic record disclosure. The full electronic record disclosure is available in the eSignature Adoption and Terms portion of the signing user experience.
  5. Click Begin to navigate to the first tag in the document.
  6. After you click the Begin button or complete the first tag, it changes to Next.


    After you complete any tag except the first tag, it changes to Back and Next.

  7. Click Next to navigate to the next tag.
  8. Click Back to navigate to the previous tag.

    Steps 5 to 8 are optional. The Begin button is only available when the Guided Signing setting is enabled in your facilitator's org. If the Guided Signing setting is disabled, you are automatically navigated to the next tag after completing the first tag.

  9. Customize or draw your Signature and Initials if Signature or Initials tag is present.
  10. The In-Person Signer must complete all assigned and required Conga Sign tags, then click Complete Signing.
  11. The In-Person Signer hands the device back to the Facilitator.
  12. (Optional) If another In-Person Signer is present, the Facilitator clicks Continue and hands the device to the next signer. The next In-Person Signer then completes steps 8 - 12.
  13. The In-Person Signer hands the device back to the Facilitator.
    1. Click Complete Signing and Salesforce will redirect back to the related object record.

    The transaction is complete if there are no other Signers for the transaction. Confirmation emails with the attached signed document are sent to both the Facilitator and In-Person Signer once the transaction is complete.