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Smart Search for Users

The Smart Search advanced search tool combines easy natural-language searches with artificial intelligence to produce deep, specific searches. With Smart Search, you can use ordinary language to search for information without having to use or learn a formal query language. Smart Search returns a list of agreement documents that match all your search queries, from any records, regardless of where they are stored. A document must be attached to an agreement as a prerequisite for it to be considered for Smart Search.

Smart Search is deployed for Conga customers using the Conga base library.

Smart Search enables you to:

  • Search information using keywords, semantics, regular expressions, and natural language.
  • Configure the fields that you can see on the search grid.
  • View the content snippet that contains the search query.
  • Preview the document.
  • Open the document in a PDF viewer.
  • Download the document.
  • Email your search results.
  • Apply filters and conditions to narrow down the search results.
  • Use search operators (AND, OR).
  • Save, edit, and delete search queries and make them private or available to the other users in your org.

Smart Search does not perform OCR on documents. When searching document content, the document must first be OCR’d or searchable for it to come up in Smart Search results.