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About TurboEngines Data Sync

TurboEngines Data Sync service is a critical component of the Conga TurboEngines platform that provides a high-performance mechanism to sync master data at regular, scheduled intervals (or on-demand) between Conga CPQ on Salesforce and specific consumer endpoints using Conga's Flexible Computing Platform.

About TurboEngines

Conga TurboEngines is a concurrent processing engine provided by Conga that comprises various microservices that process product rules and configurations, pricing configurations and data, and other product-related business data. TurboEngine offloads the computation workload from the Salesforce platform to the Conga Flexible Compute Platform to reduce the processing time on the cart. Processing the computation workload in the Conga Flexible Compute Platform reduces the interaction costs and the quote turnaround time specifically during peak load or large transactions.

TurboEngines scales on 3 dimensions:

  • Number of users
  • Size of transaction
  • The complexity of product and pricing configuration

For more information on how to get started with and configure TurboEngines, please refer to the Conga TurboEngines Documentation on the Conga documentation portal.

About the TurboEngine Data Sync Flow

TurboEngines Data Sync services comprise several components that work to pull data from Conga applications in Salesforce to a staging database that is then delivered using consumer services to various consumer endpoints (Consumer Profiles) based on their need for data. The data sync service pulls data from Salesforce at regular, scheduled intervals (using scheduler) and as needed based on Salesforce Push Topic configuration. A user can also retrieve data by invoking on demand sync from the Data Sync Admin UI.

Refer to the following diagram for a high-level flow of the data sync process between SFDC and TurboEngines.

About Consumer Profiles

A Consumer Profile as defined in Data Sync is essentially a master list and format definition for objects, fields, and the related objects and fields to be synced to a specific consumer endpoint. In the Data Sync Admin user interface, the Consumer Profile is defined as Sync Settings, comprising object and field data to be synced, details or indicators related to the profile, and sync frequency settings.

For more information on Consumer Profiles, refer to Navigating the Data Sync Admin User Interface.

Data Sync Prerequisites

Provisioning requirements for Conga TurboEngines must be met prior to managing data sync. Refer to Enabling TurboEngines in an Org in the Conga TurboEngines Documentation for more information.

Key Terms




A concurrent processing engine provided by Conga comprises various microservices that process and sync product configurations, pricing configurations, and data.

Flexible Computing Platform

A Conga-designed cloud platform built using microservices that offloads the computation workload from the Salesforce platform to reduce processing time on the cart, interaction costs, and the quote turnaround time specifically during peak load or large transactions.


A pricing engine microservice on the Flexible Computing Platform that computes complex pricing computations and callbacks.


A configuration engine microservice on the Flexible Computing Platform that computes complex product configurations and product rules.

Data Sync

The process is handled by TurboEngines Data Sync Services to sync master pricing data at regular, scheduled intervals or on-demand.

Run History

A log of all data successful and unsuccessful data sync executions provides a means of troubleshooting sync operations using helpful error messages.

Consumer Profile

A master list and format definition for objects, fields, and related objects and fields to be synced to various consumer endpoints.

Consumer Service

The service that delivers synced data to the consumer endpoint.

Consumer Endpoint

The destination for synced data is delivered by a Consumer Service and defined by the Consumer Profile.