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Navigating the Data Sync Admin User Interface

The TurboEngines Data Sync administrator user interface allows administrators to manage, modify, and monitor data sync operations of master data between Conga on Salesforce and various consumer endpoints. Administrators can make changes to data sync consumer profiles by adding, updating, or deleting objects and fields for sync. They can also monitor data sync jobs status and run history, as well as manually trigger data sync for any given consumer profile.

Navigating to TurboEngines Data Sync

To open the Data Sync Admin UI, go to Salesforce App Launcher > TurboEngines Admin.

Go to the Data Integration tab. From the list of Consumers, click Manage Sync to open the Admin UI.


The Callbacks tab is used for managing TurboPricing Callbacks. Refer to the Conga TurboEngines Documentation for information on setting up and managing callbacks.

About Consumer Profiles

The standard and custom objects that are synced from Salesforce to TurboEngines are defined as Consumer Profiles. Consumer Profiles are a master list and format definition for objects, fields, and the related objects and fields to be synced to a specific consumer endpoint. These profiles are displayed in the Consumer list under the Data Integration tab. Consumer Profiles are classified into three Consumer Groups based on the consuming application (TurboPricing or TurboConfig).

Turbo Consumer Group

Consumer Profile

Data Sync Admin Access


TurboPricing & Config Master Data

Read / Write

Seeded master pricing, product configuration, and master pricing data for Conga Deal Maximizer data (Salesforce standard and Conga custom objects). This consumer profile can be modified from Sync Settings.


The following objects will not be synced during initial sync and will be marked as Skipped in the Run History Detail page:

  • Complex_Apttus_Config2__PriceRule__c
  • Complex_Apttus_Config2__PriceMatrix__c
  • Apttus_Config2__ProductGroup__c
  • Complex_Apttus_Config2__PriceRuleset__c
  • Complex_Apttus_Config2__RelatedPriceListItem__c
  • Product2

These objects are synced as part of other objects in the form of denormalization.


If the installed CPQ version is less than 13.1909 in org, remove the following fields from the Pricing Master Data consumer profile.

  • Apttus_Config2__PriceRuleset__c > Apttus_Config2__ParentPricePipelineId__c 2

  • Apttus_Config2__PriceRuleset__c > Apttus_Config2__StartPricePointId__c 3

  • Apttus_Config2__PriceRuleset__c > Apttus_Config2__EndPricePointId__c

  • Apttus_Config2__PriceRule__c > Apttus_Config2__PricePoints__c

TurboPricing Consumer Group

Consumer Profile

Data Sync Admin Access


Conversion Rates and Custom Settings


Seeded custom settings for pricing. This consumer profile is read-only.

Extensibility Consumer Group

Consumer Profile

Data Sync Admin Access


Customer-Specific Data

Read / Write

Seeded consumer profile with no data. This consumer profile must be modified from Sync Settings to add customer-specific data.

Overview of the Data Sync Admin UI

The TurboEngines Admin UI comprises two main tabs:

  • Sync Settings: Manage objects and fields to sync for the selected consumer profile. You can view objects, fields and their hierarchy and make modifications as necessary. You can also define the frequency at which the data will be synced.
  • Run History: View data sync run history and associated error messages. The tab displays a list of data sync Ids and other information, including whether or not the sync was successful. You can click on an entry in the run history to view any error messages or other details that are provided.