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Inserting Dynamic Segments

As a template administrator, you can use Dynamic Segments in your X-Author for Contracts templates to dynamically populate agreement documents with the content of clause templates and attachments based on Document Assembly Rulesets (DAR) defined in the connected Org.

Dynamic segments are not to be confused with conditional segments in agreement templates. The dynamic segment conditionality is handled by values in the Document Assembly Rulesets, and in the context of line item objects, filtered further using conditional expressions when you insert the segment. Document Assembly components (the actual clause templates or line item attachments defined in the ruleset and its rules) are included or excluded at document generation based on these Rulesets and filters. For more information, see Configuring Dynamic Document Assembly.


  • The template must be of the type Agreement or Proposal and must be in FX2 format. You cannot insert dynamic segments into a Clause template.
  • There must be at least one dynamic Document Assembly Ruleset created in the target Org.
  • The template must be checked in at least once to insert a dynamic segment.

To insert a dynamic segment

  1. Open Microsoft Word and log in to X-Author for Contracts.
  2. From the Contracts pane, click the Home button() and select Templates.
  3. Search and check out the required template.
  4. In the Templates pane, go to Work tab, click the Dropdown icon ()and select Segments.
  5. Click Dynamic.
    The Insert Dynamic Segment dialog box opens.
  6. Enter a Section Name that describes the dynamic segment you inserting. The name must be unique to the document.
  7. Choose a Ruleset Name from the drop-down list to define the active Document Assembly Ruleset that will be used for this segment. Only Rulesets matching the agreement type (record type) of the template are displayed in the list.
  8. You can select the Conditions toggle button to define condition expressions to filter dynamic content using logical operators between multiple rows of conditions. To create an expression you must enter the values of the following three fields:

    Field Name



    Select the field which you want to set as the criteria for the condition. The Field drop-down shows the Agreement object and its fields from your Salesforce org. You must select a field name. The fields are listed and grouped according to their hierarchy.


    You must select the logical operator from the drop-down. This forms the relationship between the field and its value.


    Enter the value of the field name selected in the field. Null values are also supported.

  9. Click Add row to create additional expressions for the same column. You can create up to a maximum of nine filters for a single column.
  10. Enter Custom Logic to add a logical relation between multiple rows. The supported filter logic operators are AND and OR. You can use parentheses for setting the precedence. For example, if you have five rows you can create a filter logic, like (((1 AND 3) OR (2 AND 4)) AND 5). In the absence of custom logic, the default relationship between the rows is the Boolean operator AND.
  11. Click Test to check whether your filter logic expression is correct. If your logic is incorrect, you will see a message in red.
  12. Click Save. A new dynamic segment is added. A Lightning icon () and Settings button () are displayed next to the newly added dynamic segment.
  13. Click the Lightning icon () to view the conditions added to the particular segment.
  14. Click the Settings button ().
    You can view the segment details.
  15. Click the Edit button () to edit the segment. You can edit the conditions or ruleset that was defined and click Save.
    The changes will be reflected in the segment details pane.
  16. Click the Delete button () to delete the segment.
  17. After you have completed adding dynamic segments to the template, check it in.