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Clauses are modular blocks of text that are used frequently across multiple templates. You create clauses as described in Creating New Templates. After a clause is created, you can use Clause Library to insert clauses into a template.

For best results with your templates, we recommend the following best practices:

  • When you insert a clause that contains a Microsoft Word table, you must add a single line space before and after the table.
  • Do not start or end a clause with a smart field. Instead, the clause must have an empty line or some text at the start and the end of the clause.
  • Do not start or end a clause with a repeat table. You must add an empty line or some text before and after a table.
  • Two clauses must not be side by side without space.
  • You must insert a blank line (not a new line) between two consecutive clauses.
  • Avoid using a repeat table or Microsoft Word table inside a clause, as it may result in unexpected behavior.
  • Using Refresh Clause on a clause containing a Microsoft Word table may result in an incomplete update of the table cell values.
  • When you check in a template with a clause containing the last element like a table object/smart field in a clause, the template crashes, to avoid this issue, add whitespace just after the table and before the new line.
  • While inserting clauses in an agreement template under a numbered/sub-numbered list, ensure the following:
    • Any clause ending with numbering, sub-numbering, and bullets should have one line space at the end of clause.

    • All other clauses apart from the above condition must not end with an empty line.

  • A nested clause is not supported beyond two levels (any clause template can have multiple child clauses (A -> B, C), but a clause template clause A cannot have child clause B which already has another child clause. (A->B->C)

  • For custom styles it is recommended that all clause templates and agreements use the same custom style so that inserting a clause from playbook does not disrupt the overall template formatting.