The following are new to TurboEngines in this release. 

TurboPricing: Asset Based Ordering

In this release, you can perform the following asset-based actions. 

  • Swapping an asset: You can replace the asset with another product available on the replacement constraint rule. This is a one-to-one relationship. You can only replace one asset with one product in one transaction. For more information, see Swapping an Asset and Configuring Asset-Based Ordering.
  • Updating the quantity for an asset: You can provide a new quantity that can be transacted on the current cart. This quantity is added to the existing quantity of the assets.  For more information, see Changing an Asset and Configuring Asset-Based Ordering
  • Splitting an asset: You can use existing assets and split them into more assets with different quantities and dates. On each split line of the asset, you can perform various asset-based actions such as split, split ad swap, and split and renew. new assets inherit all the prices and attributes of assets. You can split standalone assets and bundle assets that have option line items and bundled assets into multiple components each with its quantity, start date, and end date. For more information, see Splitting Assets and Configuring Asset-Based Ordering.

TurboPricing: Support for 5k lines for Enterprise Carts

In this release, when Turbo is enabled, you can create a quote or order with up to 5000 line items. To achieve this, you must set the quote-to-cash profile to Enterprise. For more information on enabling enterprise as a quote-to-cash profile value, see Enabling Enterprise as a QTC Profile Value.

TurboPricing: Loading a line item with asset price or product PLI price conditionally based on asset line status

In this release, you can load a line item with Asset price for some of the defined line statuses. In some cases, the cart line item is required to have PLI price instead of Asset price and vice versa for some ABO operations. For example, if you want to use PLI price for an asset, when the Default Asset Pricing is set as TRUE, the cart line item status is set to Renewed after pricing. Then, all line items apart from the Renewed status will take asset price and the cart takes PLI price for the renewed status. Similarly, if you want to use asset price when the Default Asset Pricing is set as False, the cart line item status is set to Amended after pricing. To achieve this, you must override the default asset pricing. For more information, see Overriding the Default Asset Pricing for Line Statuses.

In this release, you can load a line item with Asset price or product PLI price for some of the defined line statuses. As per your requirement, the cart line item requires PLI price instead of Asset price and vice versa for some ABO operations. For example, if you want to use PLI price for an asset with a line status is Renewed, when the default Asset pricing is set as TRUE. In such cases, all line items apart from the renewed status take asset price and the cart takes PLI price for the renewed status. To achieve this, Perform the following.

  • Custom settings > Config System Properties > Default asset pricing indicator TRUE/FALSE.
    Custom Settings > Config Asset Pricing Defaults > Set the Default asset pricing indicator is set to True. For more information, see Overriding the Default Asset Pricing for Line Statuses.

Along with Line status, if you want to add more criteria like switching to PLI price only when the renewed line has a different quantity of different attribute values, then you must perform the following.

  • Custom Settings->  Config Asset Pricing Criteria Fields : Give any name , Line status=Renewed , Criteria fields= Apttus_Config2_Quantity_c, Apttus_Config2__AttributeValueIdr.ApttusVersion_c. You can define these criteria for any modifiable asset line item field and asset attributes and you can mention the line item status. If line status is blank, then this criteria will be used for all the line status of an asset.