Filtering Options

You can filter values in a specific field or even multiple fields at the same time. Filtering applies to the entire record set for a given object, not just records that are displayed on the current page.

Click the Filter icon  to apply a filter, then click Filter in the filtering screen. The Filter icon changes to orange:

Conga Grid displays a Basic Filter or Smart Filter screen, depending on the data type of the field. When you click the Filter icon  on a numeric field, a Basic Filter screen appears.

When you click the Filter icon  on a date field, a different type of Basic Filter screen appears. When you click the Filter icon  on a non-numeric field, a filtering window with Basic Filter and Smart Filter tabs appears.

See the Basic Filter and Smart Filter sections below for further instructions.

To clear a filter once it has been applied, click the Filter icon and click Clear in the filtering screen.

To delete all filters (even those in the Field Chooser), click the drop-down arrow next to Reset and click Clear Filters. This lets you delete filters without losing the fields themselves.

Basic Filter

The Basic Filter option is based on specific parameters that you can filter with, using AND or OR logical operators.

  1. Click the Filter icon .
  2. Click Basic Filter.
  3. Enter a search term in the first box, then select a filtering option from the drop-down list. The choices are:
    • Contains - returns all records where the field contains the value entered
    • Does not contain - returns all records except those where the field contains the value entered
    • Is equal to - returns all records where the field contains exact matches for the value entered
    • Is not equal to - returns all records except those where the field contains exact matches for the value entered
    • Starts with - returns all records where the field value starts with the characters entered
    • Ends with - returns all records where the field value ends with the characters entered
    • Includes (',' delimited) - returns all records where the field contains any of the values in the comma delimited list
    • Excludes (',' delimited) - returns all records except those where the field contains any of the values in the comma delimited list
    • Is empty (A search term is unnecessary with this option.)
    • Is not empty (A search term is unnecessary with this option.)
  4. (Optional) To enter a second filter criterion, select And or Or from the list. Then enter a search term in the first box, and select a filtering option from the drop-down list.
  5. For date/time fields, you can click the Switch to relative date icon.
  6. Then select a relative date option from the list and click Filter.

Smart Filter

Use the Smart Filter option to find records that contain a specific value that you enter.

  1. Click the Filter icon .
  2. Click Smart Filter.
  3. Select individual check boxes to constrain the filtering to specific values. Or click Select All to filter within all available values.
  4. (Optional) Type a search term in the Search box.
  5. From the drop-down list, select to show items that Include selected values or Exclude selected values.
  6. Select the Select All Search Results check box to select all records that match the search term.
  7. Select the Add current selection to filter check box to apply the selected records to the filter.
  8. Click Filter.

Filter Logic

Click the drop-down arrow next to Configure and click Filter Logic. The Filter Logic screen shows a list of fields that are currently filtered, and the order in which they are filtered.

You can modify the Boolean Logic as needed by changing the order of parentheses or logical operators.

The Scope field allows access to filters used for items that have group ownership. The default values are All <objects>, (for example, All Accounts), My <objects>, and My team's <objects>. Some objects such as Cases offer more options.

When finished, click Apply Logic.

Clicking Filter Logic also provides an easy way to find missing filtered fields.

Grouping Options

You can click and drag column titles to the position you want.

You can also drag and drop column headers to the Header field, which is the empty space above the grid:

This creates a new view that is organized by the field’s contents.

It only groups records that are displayed on the current page, not the entire record set. You can increase the Items per page at the bottom of the grid, if needed.

You can add any columns from the Field Chooser to the Header field. You can also create nested views and filter each column using its drop-down button.

Grouping by numeric fields displays footers that sum the numeric values.