This topic provides information about the frequently asked questions in OCC.

OCC stands for Online Contract Collaboration. 

OCC is available with Contract Management Essentials and Enterprise editions. OCC is not available with Contract Management QuickStart edition.

Only users in orgs that have the Enable Online Contract Collaboration comply system property enabled can access OCC. 

If a user belongs to an org that has the Contract Management package with OCC configurations enabled, only those users can access OCC.

Yes. You can download the OCC document and check out using X-Author Contracts or X-Author for Contracts 2.0. You can also review the document that was checked in using X-Author Contracts or X-Author Contracts 2.0 in OCC. 

No. OCC is not a replacement for X-Author Contracts or X-Author for Contracts 2.0. 

No. OCC is an addition to X-Author Contracts or X-Author for Contracts 2.0 for the non-legal users. 

Yes. OCC supports all the redline capabilities. 

No. You do not require MS word to access and work with OCC. 

You must configure the Documents tab in Lightning and the Document Action column in Classic to view the OCC options. 

You might be viewing the document that is being edited by another user. 

The Open & Edit button is disabled when the Enable Online Contract Collaboration property is disabled. 

When the document is being viewed or edited by another user, the document is locked and you will see the Open button instead of the Open & Edit button. 

You need to manually remove the Documents tab in Lightning. 

No. You can only open and edit documents in DOCX format in OCC. 

No. You can only open and edit version-aware agreement documents in Salesforce Classic. 

If a field or clause in the Smart Data pane or the document has a lock icon (), it indicates that the field or clause was marked as read-only in the template by the template administrator. 

If a field or clause in the Smart Data pane or the document has a modified icon, it indicates that the field or clause is modified. 

No. Currently, OCC does not support section breaks, watermarks, header, and footer. However, if you publish the document in OCC and open in X-Author Contracts, you can view the 2 column page breaks, watermarks, header, and footer.

No. OCC, currently, does not support real-time collaboration.

OCC, currently, does not support regenerate with redlines and update from salesforce features. You can download the document and utilize these features in X-Author Contracts.

OCC, currently, does not support the update current version feature.

OCC currently does not support parallel review. You can use the parallel review feature in Contract Management.

OCC does not support Accept All and Reject All changes in a document.

You can exit the OCC view without publishing the document but you need to publish the document to save changes.

You cannot delete smart elements in a document.

Yes, you can use keyboard shortcuts to cut, copy, or paste the content in a document except for the content that contains smart elements.

You can view the signature panel in OCC but you might observe formatting issues.

Yes, the track changes are displayed except for the formatting changes.

When you publish the document, all the accepted changes are synced to the agreement record.

No, OCC does not support non-English characters and non-English language in OCC.

Yes. You can insert a clause that has a conditional paragraph in OCC.

No. You cannot disable the track changes option in any mode.

No. OCC does not support third-party paper documents.

Yes. You can increase the zoom level of the browser to 120%.

No. OCC does not support custom bullets.

No. OCC, currently, does not track deleted comments.

No. OCC, currently, saves the document on publishing.

OCC supports agreement documents that have a maximum of:

  • 8 MB file size 
  • 200 Smart fields
  • 200 smart clauses 
  • 5 repeat tables
  • 5 repeat sections
  • 13 conditional segments
  • 1 style segment

Irrespective of the protection level used while generating a document, the OCC document access is based on access provided to your user profile by your administrator.

You cannot disable track changes in OCC.

You can see the True-Up dropdown only when an administrator assigns Negotiating Plus access to your user profile.

You will see Read-Only UI mode if your administrator has configured sharing settings for the agreement.

Users can access documents based on OCC Access Mode assigned to their profile.

Irrespective of the document protection you used while generating a document, you will be able to access documents in OCC according to the OCC Access Mode assigned to your user profile.

No. OCC Access Mode applies to documents opened in OCC. The protection level used to generate the document applies to the document opened in X-Author for Contracts.

In True-Up mode, you can only accept or reject suggestions.

When you publish a document, the document regains the document protection used while generating the document.

You can view Clause Library only in the Edit UI mode.

You can view Clause Library only in the Edit UI mode.

Cross-referencing is an MS Word feature. Currently, OCC does not support cross-referencing.

You can open offline documents imported using XAC 2.0. 

OCC is a standalone managed package, but you must use it along with CLM or CLM (Contracts for Salesforce).

You must install either CLM or CLM (Contracts for Salesforce).

You must configure alternate clauses in X-Author Contracts but not in CLM. 

You can view the alternate clauses for a clause only when they are configured.

Reconciliation happens similar to CLM. You must accept all changes and publish the document.

OCC for CLM (Contracts for Salesforce) only supports Edit OCC access mode.

Currently, you can publish documents only with redlines in CLM (Contracts for Salesforce).

Currently, CLM (Contracts for Salesforce) does not support alternate clauses.

You must perform the following configurations after installing OCC along with CLM:

  1. OCC Settings

  2. Permissions

  3. Documents Tab in Lightning

  4. Details Sidebar Fields
  5. OCC Access Modes and Sharing Settings