Online Contract Collaboration has the following limitations:

  • Documents generated using pre-FX2 templates are not supported.

  • Document formats other than DOCX are not supported.

  • Documents containing document assembly rules are not supported.

  • Editing and publishing of documents are not restricted according to the Restrict Check-in of Documents comply system property.

  • Nested clauses cannot be inserted.

  • Inserting duplicate clauses is not supported.
  • Deleting smart elements using the Backspace or Delete keys is not supported. 
  • Non-English characters and languages are not supported.
  • Supporting documents are not supported.
  • When there are comments or track changes cards at the end of the document, the cards float beyond the document view.
  • Documents with custom formatting are not supported.
  • If the cursor is placed on the page break and you start typing, the page break is replaced with the typed text.
  • Offline documents imported using:

    • CLM are partially supported. (Contact Conga Product Management for more information.)

    • XAC 1.0 are partially supported. (Contact Conga Product Management for more information.)
    • XAC 2.0 are supported.
  • Selecting multiple fields at a time (such as repeat table, repeat section, section and third-level table, or Word table) in any tabular format is not supported.

  • Bullets and images are not reconciled during the clause reconciliation process in Conga CLM (Contracts for Salesforce).
  • Conga CLM (Contracts for Salesforce) only supports Parent Clause (Managed Clause) with only one level of Child Clause (Managed Sub-Clause).
  • When bullets are added to an unformatted text from the OCC toolbar, the bullets are displayed in OCC format but not in MS Word format.

  • Pagination limitations:

    • In a document, the pagination mark may slightly vary between Microsoft Word and OCC but the difference may increase as the document size increases.
    • In OCC, the pagination mark overlaps with the text when a paragraph or clause spans through multiple pages. This behavior is not observed in the generated Word or PDF document.
    • The pagination widget does not work if two-page breaks are inserted together.
  • The alignment of images with text wrapping might not be the same as in an original Word document.
  • Inserting a clause at bullet points is supported for bullets or numbering added through MS Word.
  • Removing of ordered list and list item tags is not supported.
  • The text for the track changes card of a new row differs in the published document.
  • There will be multiple track change cards for a new column. The number of track change cards is equal to the number of column cells.
  • Track changes for the delete column option will not be visible, but insert column and insert/delete rows track changes will be seen.
  • Publishing of redlined documents with reconciliation workflow from X-Author for Contracts is not supported in OCC.
  • An Approval Required tag is not shown for clauses that have been modified offline using X-Author and checked in with redlines and reconciliation.
  • OCC does not support publishing document sections with data in a two-column layout. The entire document layout is changed to two columns after publishing.

  • OCC does not support automatic reassigning of clause approval requests of inactive users to the backup admin, even though the backup admin is a part of the approval process.
  • OCC does not support table formatting using “drag & drop” or "shift/aligned" functionality. You can use "Table Properties" and "Cell Properties" to format tables.
  • Document publishing fails in OCC if a clause has an MS Word table containing “content control” in its first column.

  • If you explicitly use right or left indentation in MS Word, the bullet formatting is distorted when the document is opened in OCC. The bullet points are overwritten on the clause text.

You can refer to this document in addition to the release notes every time a new version is released for the feature updates.