If you have already installed the Summer '21 OCC managed package release in your org, the following releases after Summer '21 will be auto-upgraded. You do not need to perform any manual operations unless so directed in the release notes or this topic.

If you have not yet installed the Summer '21 OCC managed package along with CLM or CLM (Contracts for Salesforce) in your org, you must install them to enjoy features and fixes from the Summer '21 and later OCC releases.

After the upgrade of OCC, you will get a notification for new releases of OCC documentation. This notification will be available for each monthly release. You can see notifications of the latest OCC releases when you open a document in OCC. You can see an alert message Feature Updates Available over the help icon available on the bottom right side of the sidebar. If you click OK, got it, the alert message will go off and not show again till the next OCC release. If you click the help icon you can see a message Learn what’s new in Conga’s Contract Collaboration and the link for View release doc in the smart pane. You can click the link for View release doc to open the latest OCC Release Notes in a separate window.

Post Upgrade Task

You must perform the following tasks to allow users to view different UI modes in OCC according to the OCC Access Mode configured.

To Assign OCC Default Permissions

OCC User permission set includes all the OCC default permissions. You must assign the OCC default permission set to users and their user profiles for the best user experience and access to all OCC features. Perform the steps to assign the OCC default permission set to users.

  1. Go to Setup > Users > Permission Sets.
  2. Under Permission Set Label, click OCC User.
    Permission Set window opens, showing permission set overview.
  3. Click Manage Assignments.
    Assigned Users window opens, showing the list of assigned users.

    The list of assigned users will be empty if you have not assigned permissions to any users.

  4. .Click Add Assignments.
    The Assign Users window opens, showing the list of all users.
  5. From the View dropdown, select Active users.
  6. Under the Actions column, select the check box to select one or more OCC users.

    You can select the Action checkbox to select all the users at one time.

  7. Click Assign.
    Assignment Summary window opens showing the message Permission set OCC User has been assigned to (no. of) user and the list of OCC users to whom you have assigned the permission set.
  8. Click Done.

To Assign Permission Manually

If you are not using an out-of-the-box “OCC User” permission set, ensure to give access to the below list of objects, fields, and classes to OCC users through custom permission sets or profiles, etc. For more information, see Configuring Permissions for OCC Artifacts.

  • Objects
    • OCC Access Mode
      • Fields – WithRedlines, WithoutRedlines, FinalToBeSigned
    • OCC HTML Content
      • Fields – Version, document file id, HTML file id
  • Apex Classes
    • OCCAccessModeRestService
    • OCCProfileLevelSettingRestService

See release notes for every future release to view any newly introduced object, fields, apex class to assign permission manually.

You can follow the following examples on how to assign apex class permission and field level accessibility to the users in OCC access mode.

To assign Apex Class permission to a user profile

To assign OCCProfileLevelSettingsRestService 
  1. Navigate to Setup > Apps > Packaging.
  2. Click Installed Packages.
    Installed Packages window opens showing the list of installed packages.
  3. In the Package Name column, click Conga OCC.
    Package details Conga OCC (Managed) window opens.
  4. Click View Components.
  5. From the Metadata Components Included in Package section, select OCCProfileLevelSettingsRestService.
    Apex class OCCProfileLevelSettingsRestService window opens.
  6. Click Security.
  7. If you need to allow certain user profiles to view UI modes other than Commenting UI mode, move those user profiles to Enabled Profiles and click Save.
To assign OCCAccessModeRestService
  1. Navigate to Setup > Apps > Packaging.
  2. Click Installed Packages.
    Installed Packages window opens showing the list of installed packages.
  3. In the Package Name column, click Conga OCC.
    Package details Conga OCC (Managed) window opens.
  4. Click View Components.
  5. From the Metadata Components Included in Package section, select OCCAccessModeRestService.
    Apex class OCCAccessModeRestService window opens.
  6. Click Security.
  7. If you need to allow certain user profiles to view UI modes other than Commenting UI mode, move those user profiles to Enabled Profiles and click Save.

To assign Field level Accessibility to OCC Access modes

You must assign field level accessibility to the users with user profiles With Redlines, Without Redlines and Final to be signed in OCC access modes.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Apps > Packaging.
  2. Click Installed Packages.
    Installed Packages window opens showing the list of installed packages.
  3. In the Package Name column, click Conga OCC.
    Package details Conga OCC (Managed) window opens.
  4. Click View Components.
  5. From the Metadata Components Included in Package section, select the required option for With Redlines, Without Redlines and Final to be signed.

    FieldOption to be selectedWindow

    With Redlines

    With RedlinesOCC Access Mode Custom Field With Redlines (Managed) window opens

    Without Redlines

    Without RedlinesOCC Access Mode Custom Field Without Redlines (Managed) window opens

    Final to be signed

    Final to be signedOCC Access Mode Custom Field Final to be signed (Managed) window opens
  6. Click Set Field-Level Security. The following window opens for With Redlines, Without Redlines, and Final to be signed fields.


    With Redlines

    Set Field Level Security With Redlines window opens

    Without Redlines

    Set Field Level Security Without Redlines window opens

    Final to be signed

    Set Field Level Security Final to be signed window opens
  7. In the visible column, select the checkbox for user profiles to whom you want to assign With Redlines, Without Redlines, or Final to be signed field level accessibility.

    You can select the Visible checkbox to select all the user profiles at one time.

  8. Click Save

To assign Field level Accessibility to OCC HTML Content

You must assign field level accessibility to Version, document file id, and HTML file id OCC HTML Content to the users in OCC.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Apps > Packaging.
  2. Click Installed Packages.
    Installed Packages window opens showing the list of installed packages.
  3. In the Package Name column, click Conga OCC.
    Package details Conga OCC (Managed) window opens.
  4. Click View Components.
  5. From the Metadata Components Included in Package section, select Version, document file id, or HTML file id.

    OCC HTML Content

    Option to be selectedWindow
    VersionVersionOCC HTML Content Custom Field Version (Managed) window opens
    document file iddocument file idOCC HTML Content Custom Field Document file Id (Managed) window opens
    HTML file idHTML file idOCC HTML Content Custom Field HTML file Id (Managed) window opens
  6. Click Set Field-Level Security. The following window opens for Version, document file id, or HTML file id.

    OCC HTML Content

    VersionSet Field Level Security Version window opens.
    document file idSet Field Level Security Document file Id window opens
    HTML file idSet Field Level Security HTML file Id window opens
  7. In the visible column, select the checkbox for user profiles to whom you want to assign Version, document file id, and HTML file id field level accessibility.

    You can select the Visible checkbox to select all the user profiles at one time.

  8. Click Save.

To Remove OCC Default Permissions

You can remove the OCC default permission set from users and their user profiles if you do not want the user to use the OCC default permission. Perform the steps to remove the OCC default permission set from the users and their user profiles.

Prerequisite: Ensure you have assigned OCC default permissions to at least one user.

  1. Go to Setup > Users > Permission Sets.
  2. Under Permission Set Label, click OCC User.
    Permission Set window opens, showing permission set overview.
  3. Click Manage Assignments.
    Assigned Users window opens, showing the list of assigned users.

  4. Under the Action column, select the check box to select one or more OCC users.
    Remove Assignments tab will be highlighted.

    You can select the Action checkbox to select all the users at one time.

  5. Click Remove Assignments.
    A pop-up will open showing the message Are you sure you want to remove the users from this permission set? 
  6. Click OK. 
  7. Assignment Summary window opens showing the message Permission set OCC User has been removed from (no. of) user and the list of OCC users from whom you have removed the permission set.
  8. Click Done.