The Accounts section contains all the information of a customer or partner account on the Partner Commerce portal. You can access your account after signing in with your Partner Commerce credentials. To open your account details, from the left-hand navigation, click My Account. The My Account home page has the following tabs in the left-hand navigation:

  • My Orders: This dashboard displays graphical information for Order by Status and Order Amount by Status. You can also edit existing quotes.
  • My Quotes: View list of quotes and their details
  • My Carts: Displays multiple in-progress carts with their status details. The primary cart has Is Active column selected. You can also delete a cart from this page.
  • Installed Products: Displays the list of installed products or assets. You can select an asset and Renew or Terminate it.
  • Product Catalog: Takes you to the product catalog page with the listing of all products.
  • My Account Settings: Enables you to:
    • View or edit user information
    • View or edit account information
    • Change your password

Changing the Account

As a partner, you work with multiple customers and therefore, multiple accounts. From the top navigation bar, you can change the account you are working with. The My Account page shows the information for Orders based on the account selected by you. When you log in to Partner Commerce, you will see the account details pertaining to the account linked with your contact.

To change the account

  1. From the top navigation bar, go to the Account Field.
  2. Click the edit icon .
  3. Use the type-ahead to search and select an account.
  4.  Click Update to finish account change.