Deferred Revenue Reconciliation is primarily concerned with verifying the accuracy of the Deferred Revenue balance. This is done by ensuring that the change in balance over the period is understood and by reviewing the details for errors. Some reports that can be used to reconcile Deferred Revenue are.

  • Reconcile Beginning to Ending Balance
  • Account Details

Reconcile Beginning to Ending Balance

This method provides a reconciliation of starting Deferred Revenue balance to ending balance. The basic formula for calculating the ending balance is: Starting Balance + New Fees +/- Net Adjustments - Recognized Revenue = Ending Balance.

Currently, this report can be generated using X-Author.

Account Details

Account Details are generated from the breakdown details provided by Revenue Summary report from Revenue Console. Custom Reports can be created using existing Salesforce Reporting. 

When creating a custom report, fields for a minimum viable report are.

  • Salesforce object: Agreements with Agreement Revenue Schedules
  • Filter: Agreement Revenue Schedule.Period Date = <last date of period>
  • Fields:
    • Agreement Revenue Schedule.Period Date
    • Agreement.Agreement Name
    • Agreement Revenue Schedule.Agreement Fee
    • Agreement Revenue Schedule.Actual Deferred Balance Amount