Reporting is primarily concerned with analyzing and understanding Revenue data. This provides finance teams, executives, and investors with an understanding of how the company is performing, and, develop plans to address any areas that need improvement.
While working with financial data, users will frequently analyze data from various dates in past, present, and future. The financial information can be displayed in the form of trend lines but it could also be account balance as of a specific date as well. For example, year over year comparisons is a commonly run report.This requires looking at the balances of selected accounts from the same month of the prior years and comparing them to the current year's balances and to determine how well the company is doing.
The ability to create revenue snapshots and summaries makes data more accessible for reporting by allowing the user to capture the state of revenue data as of a specific date at a detail or summary level.
Most reporting within Conga will be performed using Salesforce Reporting. Since Conga is 100% Salesforce native, all Conga data is available to report on by Salesforce.
You can use the following functionalities for reporting: