Field Name | Installed Package | Description |
Agreement Name | Standard field | Name of the agreement |
Created by | Standard field (System Generated) | Name of the user who created the agreement. |
Currency | Standard field | Currency in which the revenue will be displayed. |
Modified by | Standard field (System Generated) | Name of the user who modified the agreement. |
Owner | Standard field (System Generated) | Owner of the agreement. |
Record Type | Standard field | Record type for the agreement.This field can not be edited.
For ASC-605, Record Type is set to RevRec. For ASC-606, Record Type is set to ASC606.
Related Opportunity | Conga Contract Lifecycle Management | Related to the agreement. |
Legal Entity Id | Conga Configuration & Pricing | Id of the Legal Entity |
Related Quote / Proposal | Conga Quote-CLM Integration | Quote/ Proposal related to the agreement. |
Status Category | Conga Contract Lifecycle Management | Status Category of the revenue agreement. Select In Effect for Revenue Recognition product. |
Status | Conga Contract Lifecycle Management | Status of the revenue agreement. Select Activated for Revenue Recognition. |
Agreement Start Date | Conga Contract Lifecycle Management | Start Date of the revenue agreement term. |
Agreement End Date | Conga Contract Lifecycle Management | End Date of the revenue agreement term. |
RevRec Active | Apttus Revenue Management | Flags the agreement for RevRec. Revenue Schedules will not be created for this agreement if this checkbox is cleared. |
RevRec Forecast Active | Apttus Revenue Management | Flags the agreement for RevRec forecasting. Revenue Forecasts will not be generated if this checkbox is cleared. |
RevRec Forecast End Date | Apttus Revenue Management | End date of RevRec forecasting. |
RevRec Forecast Period Date | Apttus Revenue Management | The last day of the period revenue forecasts have been generated through. |
RevRec Forecast Period Number | Apttus Revenue Management | Counter of last forecast period. |
RevRec Period Date | Apttus Revenue Management | Last day of the current revenue period. |
RevRec Period Number | Apttus Revenue Management | Counterofthe current revenue period. |