A new custom callback class is supported to calculate and set the allocated revenue amount for each Agreement Line Item.
It allocates performance obligations for a set of Agreement Line Items. For each performance obligation, it calculates Allocated Amount and Transaction Price.
To add the custom class
Go to Setup > App Setup > Develop > Apex Classes.
Click New.
Enter the sample callback class code.
This is just a sample callback class to allocate performance obligations. You may change the code as per your requirements.
global interface IRevenueAllocation
* Calculate the allocated revenue amount for each Agreement Line Item
* and update the "Allocation Amount" on each Agreement Line Item
* accordingly. There is no need to call "Upsert" as that will performed by
* the Revenue Configuration/Integration package.
* Upon return, the sum of the Transaction Price fields of the Agreement
* Line Items must match the sum of the Allocation Amount fields. If that
* is not the case, the Revenue Integration/Configuration package will throw
* an Exception.
* @param agreementLineItms The list of Agreement Line Items the dependent
* charges pertain to. It is expected the Allocation Amount on each
* Agreement Line Item will be updated accordingly.
* @param agreemnt The corresponding Agreement.
void calculateAllocationAmount(
List<Apttus__AgreementLineItem__c> agreementLineItems,
Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c agreemnt);
public with sharing class TestRevenueAllocationCallback
implements CustomClass.IRevenueAllocation {
@TestVisible private static Boolean specialUsecase = false;
public void calculateAllocationAmount(List<Apttus__AgreementLineItem__c> agreementLineItems,
Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c agreemnt) {
//get sum of all LineItems having MEA flat to true
Decimal totalTransactionPrice = 0.0;
Decimal totalNetPrice = 0.0;
//initialise variables to Allocate proper value to all LineItems
Integer iCount = 0;
Decimal totalRemainingTransactionPrice = 0;
for(Apttus__AgreementLineItem__c lineItemSO :agreementLineItems) {
totalRemainingTransactionPrice += lineItemSO.TransactionPrice__c;
totalTransactionPrice += lineItemSO.TransactionPrice__c;
totalNetPrice += lineItemSO.Apttus__NetPrice__c;
//calculate Allocation Amount for each LineItem
for(Apttus__AgreementLineItem__c lineItemSO :agreementLineItems) {
if(specialUsecase) {
lineItemSO.AllocationAmount__c = 10;
if(iCount == 1) {
lineItemSO.AllocationAmount__c = totalRemainingTransactionPrice;
} else {
lineItemSO.AllocationAmount__c = ((lineItemSO.TransactionPrice__c / totalTransactionPrice) * totalNetPrice).setScale(RuntimeContext.DEFAULT_SCALE);
totalRemainingTransactionPrice -= lineItemSO.AllocationAmount__c;
4. Click Save.
To register your custom callback class, go to Setup > App Setup > Develop > Custom Settings and click Manage beside Revenue System Properties. Click Edit for System Properties and enter the name of your custom callback class in Revenue Allocation Callback.